Chunkymonster replied: See, this is where you and I completely diverge. I believe, rightly, that the United States is a nation of law and the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and that if it is not spelled out in the Constitution, then it is not within the purview and powers of the Federal government, i.e.; it is wrong and/or an usurpation of power from the People for the Federal government to exercise any power not granted to them by the Constitution. This is why the Constitution was written, why the verbiage and prose was specifically chosen, to spell out what powers are given to the government by the People and that all other rights and privileges are reserved to the People. It does not take a scholar to read the Constitution, but it does take some intellectual maturity and wisdom to understand and apply the principles spelled out in it.
Given you have never stated a clear position on what believe the Federal government can or can not do, but have clearly stated that you agree with the current Administration's abuses and disregard for the Constitution, I can only interpret your position as being someone who does not understand why the Constitution limits the powers of the Federal government and the founding principles of our representative republic.
It is very telling to me that you did not respond to the above exchange in your last reply. If anything, this omission solidifies my belief that you do not have a working knowledge of the Constitution and have not formulated an educated position on what you believe to be the proper role of the federal government. While I very clearly stated my belief and position on the Constitution and the role of the federal government, providing an opportunity for you to offer yours, the (Freudian?) failure to respond to the above exchange wholly explains why you consistently reply with...
You never provide any real reasoning chunky, only this is wrong because the constitution says its wrong or this is against the founding principles.
...when I cite the Constitutional restrictions placed on the President and Congress. After all, if you don't understand the Constitution and the limits it places on the federal government, then I will no longer expect you to comprehend my support and belief in the Constitution. As I said and will continue to say, don't confuse a progressive with the facts when they've made up their mind.
The thing is Chunky I clearly put forth an opinion backed with numbers on how our voting structure is degenerating. You post something about limiting the federal government. Of course I didn't respond because it had nothing to do with the argument. Maybe you could of tied it in and provided some input but after posting your interpretation of the constitution but you didn't tie it into the subject.
Well, in your typical failure at reading comprehension, what I stated was...
Please provide a link to the source of your numbers above. I have been unable to find any site that duplicates the numbers you cite.
Do you see the difference there? I could not duplicate your numbers or even find any website that was anywhere close to the numbers you posted but then I realized why after you posted the link to the article. Seriously though, you lose major credibility points for citing an article entitled
Why Americans Actually Voted For A Democratic House from Really now, did you even try to cite a legitimate source of information or did you copy and paste the first thing you found without reading it? I mean c'mon now, I would have given you credit for citing,
wikipedia for credible election results, but an article on, OH PUH-LEEZ! Again, I can't take your posts seriously if that's the best you can do.
Lets recap this paragraph real quick. Personal jab-ignorant comment-personal jab-fact deflection-more deflection-yet more deflection. Never do you post anything that requires actual thought. What is this post suppose to accomplish? Discrediting a source without putting forth any counter examples with the HOUSE POPULAR VOTE numbers? If your going to discredit a source make sure you at least post links that contain info about the SUBJECT, not presidential voting numbers but national HOUSE voting numbers.
Side note: Do you know how to use google? Search Democrat 53,952,240 since those are the numbers I posted that you were unable to "duplicate". Quite a few sites sprang up with the same numbers. I'm guessing that you searched for total house vote 2012 or something like that and were unable to find anything and thus gave up. I did the work of getting the numbers all you had to do was google them to verify. For some reason this was too tall a task.
The above two paragraphs were negated of any rational thought by you starting out your response with...
the fact that the system has been rigged.
Aww snap! I knew there was a reason, the system is rigged! The Democrats got more popular votes and gained 8 seats in the House! But because you don't think it was enough, the system must be rigged! Hahahaha! Again, it's only by skewed progressive logic that Democrats can get more popular votes, gain 8 seats in the House, and then fail to understand why they don't control the House. Hahahaha! Progressive logic is the epitome of ignorance.
I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that you don't comprehend the subject and thats why you continue with these pointless posts. If your only option to counter post is to pick a small section to use and then go on a progressive rant, just say no to posting because your not providing anything worth considering.
Quit crying about the Democrats gaining 8 House seats. If the system is truly rigged by Republicans, then they did a pretty crappy job of it because the Democrats GAINED 8 HOUSE SEATS! So, instead of complaining about the Congress performing their Constitutional duty to redistrict after the decennial census, how about you quit whining about gerrymandering and obstructionism, actually learn about the mechanics of our republic, apply logic and rational thought, and gain some knowledge on why THE DEMOCRATS GAINED 8 HOUSE SEATS!
You are right about one thing...
This is getting pathetic.
Truly though, what's pathetic is that you seemingly have no educated or formulated position on the Constitution, the proper role of the federal government, spew progressive sentiments about the system being rigged, and fail to cite a credible sources when attempting to forward your argument.
I would like to see some sources from you but first you would have to put forth an argument other than "they gained 8 seats you should be happy" or "the first sentence of one your posts means that your wrong blah blah progressive liberal leftie democrat blah blah". Seriously, instead of posting that my comment is progressive why don't you just post about how it is not rigged? Is it that hard to post with logic instead of degenerative political sentiments?
Since you refuse to post anything credible lets see if I can help you get informed enough to make meaningful posts. I will even give you some questions to consider. Does redistricting need more regulation and oversight? It does serve a purpose and needs to be done but how can we make it so that it cannot be used to influence future elections in favor of one party or the other? The supreme court has ruled against gerrymandering in the past yet nothing has been set in motion. Maybe lawsuits against both parties in states they have engaged in this activity would spur change? Should some large cities be contained entirely within one district when a higher population resides there? Perhaps there could be a uniformed list of guidelines for all states that achieve balance while being immune to political motives. Is the one person one vote logic flawed?
Now if you post something about the constitution make sure to do the vital task of explaining how it relates to the subject matter. Saying that its unconstitutional then exempting an explanation how provides no avenue for discourse.
Quick example, were are talking about redistricting and how it has been used as a political tool for manipulating our voting system. You post this:
See, this is where you and I completely diverge. I believe, rightly, that the United States is a nation of law and the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and that if it is not spelled out in the Constitution, then it is not within the purview and powers of the Federal government, i.e.; it is wrong and/or an usurpation of power from the People for the Federal government to exercise any power not granted to them by the Constitution. This is why the Constitution was written, why the verbiage and prose was specifically chosen, to spell out what powers are given to the government by the People and that all other rights and privileges are reserved to the People. It does not take a scholar to read the Constitution, but it does take some intellectual maturity and wisdom to understand and apply the principles spelled out in it.
No where in this do you post anything related to the topic, you go on one of your all too familiar "constitutional rants" and provide no real input. Taking the constitution into consideration is critical but you have to do it in manner that provides input. Good luck! Try to avoid the rants!