Shark Kills Man Off Calif. Coast

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Looks like Jaws is back from the dead:

I'm willing to bet it was a Great White, as they are common place on CA coast this time of year and of course, they have a reputation for going after people. It's unfortunate, no doubt, but this is just another example of how man wasn't designed for the water, i.e. we're not exactly top predator in the oceans.


Edit: Here's one for scaremongering's sake:

Buwish come on out to So. CA and I'll take you up to Venice Beach and well do some shark surfing. 😱

I'll set on the beach playing guitar and attract the foxiest, party time women at Venice and you do the surfin'. I'll set you up if there's anything left of 'ya. [:badge]

Ah, I'll pass on shark surfing thank you very much. The story above and the info badge provided are good examples of why we should respect sharks, especially the big ones with razer sharp teeth and powerful jaws.

Not to get too gory, but on follow ups, I learned that it was a 20 year old guy, whose leg was completely severed from his body by the shark, which subsequently led to him bleeding to death. Horrid way to go.

I'll come out and sit on the beach with ya to stare at the women though.😉

Hmm, I see that list ignores states like North Dakota, Nebraska, etc - I guess because there's no ocean so shark on land = zero probability of attack 😛. Instead, those citizens would have to imbibe Landshark beer as a substitute..
Kind of scary that you have a better chance of dying from a lightening strike than a shark attack. I wonder which way would be quicker- a million + volts or a few rows of teeth combined with some impressive crushing power? I hope never to find out.

Edit: Apparently, a Great White can lay down somewhere around 1800psi with a good bite. In comparison, we can only get about 44psi in regard to bite force.
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