Shipping to Canada


Jul 28, 2004
Does anyone know of any good online stores in the States that will actually ship to canada and ship with USPS vice fedex or UPS.

Any help would be appreciated.
I have attempted to contact Newegg, but the rep's I have spoken to actually dont know If it is possible. I have a manager contacting me (hopefully) later this evening :??:

Anyways, I am really hoping they deliver to Canada, b/c sucks really badly with pricing, and stock 🙁
Alrighty, after finally speaking to a manager (a day later than he said) I finally found out for sure that NewEgg will not ship to canada due to a certain agreement with them and another non-disclosed company. They will however ship to the nearest UPS station possible in the USA, and allow you to pick it up from there. (which isnt to bad for me, 1.5 hour drive...but still :??: )

Other than that they said they were unable to help me, and reminded me than is comming soon...but we shall see how soon *soon* is