Question SHould i buy a 650 watt or a 750 watt psu


Jun 16, 2018
Ok so let me start by saying i was going to buy a GQ 650 watt Power suppy from EVGA, however for 5 more dollars i can buy a 750w which i Dont know if its worth paying for it

My build currently has a
Ryzen 2600x

Hyperx 212 LED (i'm going to see how temps do if they too hot ill buy a noctua one )

Gtx 1060 (i'll probably buy a rtx 2070 in a few months 4-6 months)

2 ssd+1hdd

RGB strips
4 led fans
i know for now i don't need those 650 OR 750 for my current build
is it going for 750 too much?
for a RTX 2070?
Where do you purchase from? There are plenty of other great makes and models.
I only purchase from amazon as i have prime and its literally the only place iv ordered from in the last 6 years , however i only like evga as i had a bad expierence with a seasonic and a corsair

i have a bronze 400 watt psu right now for my old system that has been running almost 24/7 for the past year and a half
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650W is plenty and it's FULLY Modular.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($92.81 @ Amazon)
Total: $92.81
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-03-29 13:06 EDT-0400


PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Gold 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($92.41 @ Amazon)
Total: $92.41
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-03-29 13:07 EDT-0400