Question Should I buy the G703 or G pro Wireless or G502 Light speed for my large hands?

Jan 28, 2020
Hello there,

I'm looking into getting a new wireless mouse to replace my lovely g502's wired. I practically use all the extra buttons on my mouse with my hybrid claw & fingertip grip style. I wanted your opinion on which logitech mouse would fit my 20cmx 10.2cm hands best as my town doesn't have any PC stores that currently display these mice for me to test.

Here are some pics of my:
Grip style:



Hand measurements:


So far all I know is that G pro wireless (GPW) works with medium hands and comes with a low weight of 80g. The g703 & g502 lightspeed is suited for large hands and comes has a weight +100g.
I know I'm okay with my g502's current weight but had once tried a friend's g305 and loved the wireless and lite 90g weight. I also have gotten aquanted with the extra g502 offers but am willing to adjust for a wireless mouse.

Edit: forgot to clarify that just like my old mouse I plan to use these mice for upwards to +4 years.

Please help me out to make a better informed decision regarding these mice.
Just a comment the only way to know is to try them out! Do you have a computer store near by? To select a gaming keyboard you should try out all styles - Short click, long click, tactile etc....
My town doesn't have any PC stores that currently display these mice for me to test. The closest place that I know has them is 4 hrs away (one way trip) that's why I really need some online help.