Question Should I OC to low 4's or not.

Sep 7, 2019
msi ventus 2060
kraken x52 (case is h500)
16gb ram
So I haven't messed with overclocking my 8700k. I've looked at my bios, but wouldn't want to do that every single time before I game. I like that its at its 3.7 on idle.
The reason that I'm unsure if i even need to OC it is that, when gaming, my CPU doesn't even get close to full usage. So I'm wondering if setting it to 4/4.2 would even be worth it for my specs. My gpu might be running at 95% and cpu at, lets say, 35%. Therefore, i dont think its bottlenecked, right? would increasing the cpu frequency even be worth it for my build? as It seems to all run really well.
Thanks for any insight! I'd appreciate if you could leave some detail and not a 1 sentence comment haha. Regardless, I do appreciate any inputs!
Your CPU does boost, up to 4.7ghz, depending on core usage, and temperature, already, and your GPU usage indicates it is being well utilized. An overclock might get you that last 5% usage, but if you are happy with the performance, I see little point in stressing your hardware, for what are going to be minor gains. You must be playing some older titles, for that kind of CPU utilization.
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Already, do you mean like automatically? Also, I play a combination. I don't have the numbers for my more demanding titles, but I still dont recall seeing a ton of usage. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't somehow bottlenecking my system by not overclocking it. Anyways, Thanks!