So I've got a laptop for 2 years now which worked completely fine until 2 months ago.
Then, some problems occured. Every time I restarted my PC, opening it back up would make a lot of other programs go corrupt, and i would need to reinstall Windows many times.
What I thought was ''alright, then i will just put my pc on sleep instead of shutting down." which worked for a while, but every now and then, blue screens would occur which would in turn, corrupt even more files, almost everytime including the programs which were open at the time when the bluescreen happened.
My only resolve I can think of is replacing my HDD with another one which i have laying in my house, but i could also get an SSD and use the HDD as an external drive.
Is that a good idea?
Then, some problems occured. Every time I restarted my PC, opening it back up would make a lot of other programs go corrupt, and i would need to reinstall Windows many times.
What I thought was ''alright, then i will just put my pc on sleep instead of shutting down." which worked for a while, but every now and then, blue screens would occur which would in turn, corrupt even more files, almost everytime including the programs which were open at the time when the bluescreen happened.
My only resolve I can think of is replacing my HDD with another one which i have laying in my house, but i could also get an SSD and use the HDD as an external drive.
Is that a good idea?