Should I return my graphics card?


Sep 7, 2016
So the past few weeks I have been experiencing many issues with my graphics. In game, I am lagging for no reason in games I shouldn't be lagging in and new drivers for my graphics card only make it worse. In the last 2 weeks, two new drivers for my card came out: i have an msi rx480 (non-reference) and amd released 16.12.2 and the very recent 17.1 i believe.

When the 16.12.2 came out I updated my drivers but all my games were quite laggy so I rolled back to the previous driver. Along with that, my mouse had weird issues where it would seem as if I was dragging it around and it was like not smooth at all. This is more present when I restart my pc or start up my pc for the first time or when I start a game for the first time. I waited for a new driver (that's what others recommended me to, I have a thread I posted like a week ago if you guys want to check that out) and finally amd came out with 17.1.

I went ahead and updated but my games got even laggy-er and the mouse issue was even more present. note that this "mouse issue" is gone after using my pc for like 20 - 30 minutes but it is still very annoying when it is there. Also, by mistake I had flashed my bios like 2 weeks ago by checking the newest vga bios from techpowerup so that may be the source of my lag. If I check msi liveapp it still shows how a vga bios update is available so I don't know if I need to update it or not to remove my lag.

I am so frustrated because I have had so many problems these last few months with my graphics card but a system restore always fixed it. Problems keep reoccurring everytime I update my gpu drivers and I do not know if it is me installing them incorrectly or it's just that there is a problem with one of my hardwares. I built this pc in november and everything was fine the first days.

My pc specs are: i5-6500, 16gb ram, msi rx480, msi b150 pcmate mobo. Please help!
It may also be worth noting that I unplugged all the cables from my pc a few days ago to take my pc outside and when I plugged all the cables back in, I'm pretty sure I had some other problems which have gone away now.

Is your card overclocked? What is your power supply wattage, it may be too low.

I know I didnt overclock my card. My power supply should be more than enough because for my pc it was recommended I get a 550w but I went ahead and got evga's 600w power supply.


are you very sure? does it have anything to do with flashing the bios or such because some people told me not to update my bios if i don't need it on my last thread.

I can't tell from your first post, did this computer ever work right with this videocard, or is this recent development. Why are you concerned with the bios? It's not a good idea to mess with a bios unless you know what you're doing, and if you can 'accidentally' flash a bios you don't know what you're doing. This mouse issue you're having, have you tried using a cheap 3 button office mouse just to see if maybe your current mouse just needs to be replaced?

I am concerned with the bios because I wrote a thread on the msi forums and a person suggested me to flash my bios to the latest version. I didn't "accidentally" flash my bios, I said it was a mistake because I don't think I needed to. I am just worried that flashing the bios without needing to may of caused the problem but I cannot exactly tell because it seems as if my graphics drivers are the real source. To answer your first question; my problems occur every time I install a new driver for my gpu through radeon installer. I know this isn't supposed to happen because it is rare for a decrease in performance when updating drivers. My pc as I said in the last sentence was all fine when I first built it and installed all the drivers and such. The only thing I see that might be causing the problem is the vga bios.


I say you return it to whoever the dealer was. Didn't mean to downvote that on school wifi :/

Damn really? It's just better I return it? You guys sure there's nothing else I could do? Should I maybe uninstall my drivers in safemode and reinstall them? How unfortunate 🙁


Heck yeah man, get you an Nvidia GPU