Question Should I turn on core performance boost


Mar 20, 2016
I have a Ryzen 5 2600 and I use my PC mostly for gaming and software development. I was wondering if I should use the core performance boost setting in my bios or if I should disable it and manually overclock it with Ryzen Master to 1.35v and 3.8ghz. What would be best for gaming and overall speed ? Also when I manually overclock and play games my CPU gets up to about 70c, is that too hot ? The LED on my aio turns red which concerns me but I heard that temp is pretty normal but i'm not sure. Thanks in advance !

This link is with core performance boost enabled
Enable both CPB and PBO and let Ryzen do it's thing...many tests have proven that overall there's little benefit, if any, to a 24/7 overclock for the average user. Investing in a better than stock cooler will also allow the 2600 to run faster on it's own as the CPU/Motherboard combo will balance clock-speed and temps to optimize performance on its own.
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CPB and PBO on the 2nd gen Ryzens is not as refined as the 3rd gen, but still pretty darn good. Your manual OC may not equal what it can do on its own.
Of course the best way to know would be to test it both ways yourself. Also, a lot will depend on the quality of the motherboard and the PSU... and your cooler.
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