[SOLVED] Should I upgrade my Dell Optiplex 990 or Get A new Pc

Feb 23, 2019
I am trying to play Apex and Fortnite but my PC (I7 2600,4gb ram no graphics card) cannot run FORTNITE or APEX at low settings with the lowest resolution so I thought of Buying these to upgrade it:
Seagate 500gb SSHD, Kingston 4gb DDR3 HyperX FURY, Thermaltake Litepower 550W power supply, and an XFX RX570 8gb RS XXX Edition and also changing thermal paste. If you think I should change somethings or replace it let me know or I should just get a new PC.
BTW My budget for an upgrade is $500
and if you recommend a new pc just let me know the components
I am trying to play Apex and Fortnite but my PC (I7 2600,4gb ram no graphics card) cannot run FORTNITE or APEX at low settings with the lowest resolution so I thought of Buying these to upgrade it:
Seagate 500gb SSHD, Kingston 4gb DDR3 HyperX FURY, Thermaltake Litepower 550W power supply, and an XFX RX570 8gb RS XXX Edition and also changing thermal paste. If you think I should change somethings or replace it let me know or I should just get a new PC.
BTW My budget for an upgrade is $500
and if you recommend a new pc just let me know the components
If all you have is $500 and the only games you play are the esports titles, it does makes sense to upgrade your Dell (if it's the mini tower case, the SFF is not very good to...
I am trying to play Apex and Fortnite but my PC (I7 2600,4gb ram no graphics card) cannot run FORTNITE or APEX at low settings with the lowest resolution so I thought of Buying these to upgrade it:
Seagate 500gb SSHD, Kingston 4gb DDR3 HyperX FURY, Thermaltake Litepower 550W power supply, and an XFX RX570 8gb RS XXX Edition and also changing thermal paste. If you think I should change somethings or replace it let me know or I should just get a new PC.
BTW My budget for an upgrade is $500
and if you recommend a new pc just let me know the components
Replacing that many parts I would definetly build a new instead if your budget allows it. Based on your cpu model I guess the pc has a couple of years under the hood?
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If you are planning to play on 1080p 60fps get the RX580 instead. The difference between RX570 4GB and 8GB doesn't make any major difference in performance. The more VRam will only helpful in some games. These days RX580s are cheaper.

And I'd definitely cut off the SSHD for an 240GB SSD now these are also cheap. I don't recommend spending a lot of money for a outdated but still powefull system.
TheGRZ should I get
If you are planning to play on 1080p 60fps get the RX580 instead. The difference between RX570 4GB and 8GB doesn't make any major difference in performance. The more VRam will only helpful in some games. These days RX580s are cheaper.
So should I get an RX580 4gb or 8gb btw 8gb is out of my budget and also is it worth upgrading or should I get a new pc
Do you have any recommendations for a new PC btw budget build and also I live in middle east so prices are quite different from America to help you use this website https://uae.souq.com/ae-en/
Do you mean to build or a out of the box pc?

In general, if Apex and Fortnite is what you play and the system should only make that possible with good fps, then any build with a i5 cpu, 4GB GPU, 8 GB ram is sufficient.
Do you mean to build or a out of the box pc?

In general, if Apex and Fortnite is what you play and the system should only make that possible with good fps, then any build with a i5 cpu, 4GB GPU, 8 GB ram is sufficient.
Hey do you have insta we can talk there my name is King4bood
I am trying to play Apex and Fortnite but my PC (I7 2600,4gb ram no graphics card) cannot run FORTNITE or APEX at low settings with the lowest resolution so I thought of Buying these to upgrade it:
Seagate 500gb SSHD, Kingston 4gb DDR3 HyperX FURY, Thermaltake Litepower 550W power supply, and an XFX RX570 8gb RS XXX Edition and also changing thermal paste. If you think I should change somethings or replace it let me know or I should just get a new PC.
BTW My budget for an upgrade is $500
and if you recommend a new pc just let me know the components
If all you have is $500 and the only games you play are the esports titles, it does makes sense to upgrade your Dell (if it's the mini tower case, the SFF is not very good to upgrade) and keep using your i7-2600 system, you are on the right track. Consider something like this:

PCPartPicker part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/j8FxMZ
Price breakdown by merchant: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/j8FxMZ/by_merchant/

Memory: Patriot - Signature 8 GB (2 x 4 GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($37.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Kingston - A400 240 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($29.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: XFX - Radeon RX 580 8 GB GTS XXX ED Video Card ($189.99 @ B&H)
Power Supply: Corsair - CX (2017) 550 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($29.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $287.96
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-02-23 12:14 EST-0500

I think this will get your system back up to speed, a 4c/8t system with 12gb total ram, rx 580 8g and ssd/hdd - pretty much a competitive esports rig at a minimal cost to you. The only "bad" investment is the DDR3 ram which you can't move to a new system.

You can, upgrade to a new Ryzen system as mentioned you will need much more than $500 so if you save up prices will be better in the summer when the new Ryzen 3 / Zen 2 chips are on the market and the next black friday may be a good next big-upgrade timeframe.

Also, you may find you can sell this entire upgraded i7 rig outright to another poor college student looking for an entry level esports setup, and fund your new full-upgrade.