Should I upgrade my gpu???


Dec 13, 2014
Hey guys so I can run most games very smoothly and high settings but I recently started playing escape from tarkov which is not optimized completely yet I heard it’s very cpu intensive but when I check my task manager my gpu is at 100% while my cpu showes like 50-60% which surprises me.
My cpu is an amd fx 8350
And my gpu is a pny GeForce gtx 1050 ti. So my question is should I upgrade my gpu is it worth it? Any and all info greatly appreciated
"If lowering the graphics settings has no effect on frame rates, then the bottleneck is your CPU
If lowering the graphics settings increases the frame rate, then your GPU is reaching its upper limits"

Try this.
Ok but just in general then your saying my gpu isn’t bottlnecking my cpu? And as for performance issues I do have pretty low frames on some maps like 30-50 fps wile o other maps I’m in the 70-90’s