Question Should I use a 4 to 4 pins adapter or 4 to 8 adapter ?

Apr 5, 2019
I have a short psu cable for the cpu power (The cable can;'t reach when the gpu is pluged), I got an adapter that can be used as 4 to 4 pins or 4 to 8 pins, what is the safest way to use it ?(My motherboard has a 8 pin connector and I was just pluging the 4 pin from the psu and everything is working fine, but now I have to add a gpu)

The cpu is an i5 8400
and the psu can deliver the energy needed from the 4 pin cable.
The psu has an 4 pin for the cpu power, and I was using them in the 8 pin connector of the motherboard, now I need to make the cable longer cause I need to put a gpu on and the cable will not reach the motherboard, I have an adapter that can be used as 4 to 4 or 4 to 8 pins. Hope u understand me