Atm I'm going to buy a r7 2700, but I am wandering if I should wait and buy a r7 3700 because the 3700x is supposed (don't know for sure) to hit th 5ghz mark with 12 cores, since the 2700 is £200 rn witch is a pretty good deal, I'm gonna be doing alot of gaming and video editing and photoshopping. Have a nvidia 2070 and a terrible a8 7650k amd apu (5 years old budget cpu) and 8gb ddr3 with a a68hm plus mbd. Then looking for a Ryzen 2700/3700/3600 msi b450 carbon AC and hyper x predator 16gb 3333mhz ram, then a H100i or if it fits a noctua Nd15.the H100i 240mm is £75,the ram is £85,the mbd is £108
Thx in advance
Thx in advance