S samanthalouisemyers Nov 28, 2018 1 0 10 Nov 28, 2018 #1 Doing a research assignment on human identity chips what are people opinions on this ?
yeti_yeti Reputable Apr 29, 2017 414 4 4,965 Nov 28, 2018 #2 Would be cool to see something like this in future, however it should definitely be optional. A lot of people (including me) would not want to have a microcomputer inside of their body.
Would be cool to see something like this in future, however it should definitely be optional. A lot of people (including me) would not want to have a microcomputer inside of their body.
USAFRet Titan Moderator Mar 16, 2013 176,538 20,404 184,590 Nov 28, 2018 #3 "Should people have identity chips implanted under their skin?" The wording of this seems to indicate it would be mandatory. The answer to that is a resounding No. A better wording might be: "Would you have an identity chip implanted under your skin? Why or why not. For me...not a chance. No way, no how. Not ever. The potential for abuse is off the charts. Other people have no problem with it.
"Should people have identity chips implanted under their skin?" The wording of this seems to indicate it would be mandatory. The answer to that is a resounding No. A better wording might be: "Would you have an identity chip implanted under your skin? Why or why not. For me...not a chance. No way, no how. Not ever. The potential for abuse is off the charts. Other people have no problem with it.
ex_bubblehead Titan Moderator Aug 24, 2012 17,210 1,919 87,240 Nov 28, 2018 #4 Put me down for a... Not only NO but H.E. double hockey sticks NO! It's bad enough my phone tracks me, even with the Google stuff disabled.
Put me down for a... Not only NO but H.E. double hockey sticks NO! It's bad enough my phone tracks me, even with the Google stuff disabled.
grant-barker Dec 8, 2018 6 0 10 Dec 8, 2018 #5 You need to see the full Aaron Russo interview with Alex Jones.