Should we allow the rich to get richer?

You give me a million dollars to start. I'll earn an average 14% return, or $140,000. Or give me $100,000 and I'll earn 14%, or $14,000 a year. Either way, it is an exponential growth in income. The rich will always get richer because they invest more.

Ben Franklin was a fan of Compound Interest for that simple reason. Every 50 years his single month of income pays out to Philadephia and Boston (Boston, I think) X amount. Last time it paid out was like $25 million dollars within the last 10 years.. all because he had invested $2000 sterling pounds 200 years ago or something.

Yeah, those who bet more will gain more. They also will lose more, except the market is on the winning side historically.
The rich only care about themselves and no one else. They are making money through these bad financial times we are living in.Warren B could care less about the middle class or poor today. he cares if his company is making money and nothing else.
Ask a labor worker what he think about said rich. Now, ask a lager executive about what he thinks of the guys who are said rich. Both will tell you the same: They want to be with the rich. Money is like a drug, you constantly want more of it, and you are willing to do anything to get it.

Why do you think people play the lotto? The idea of collecting a 1,000,000% return is amazing!

Being rich is a subjective term describing those who are above a certain percent, weather it be the 99, 50, 20, 10, or 1 percent.

We see others who have great capital, but the capital shows merit to the amount of work they have *hopefully* placed upon themselves.
Unless that Labor Worker's boss is making $300k a year.. Oh wait, did I just call out the UAW Union Boss's salary? Oops.. he's not rich.. yet he claims his workers base pay is about $32k a year. Riiiight.
I'm like totally conflicted ...

/turns on electic heated back massaging ergochair while pondering this discussion ... texts the maid to bring me another capo and a croissant ... with strawberry jam.

Jeez I struggle to make half that ...

$150k? You POS over paid lazy noob. :) You're rich and don't deserve that money... where does his money come from? Union dues. How many employees does it require for him to make that salary alone?

If union dues at $150 a month, it requires 154 people working for him to make his salary. That's just one guy.

I was referring to manual labor workers.

Why should they care about anybody else?...don't act like the poor care about anything either. They only care when something involves money also. The rich are the ones who were smart enough to use the system to their advantage which is what the free market economy and capitalism is designed to do and has historically worked perfectly.

Also, don't condemn them for making money in bad financial times. You are the ones who make the rich, rich. You buy the product, you watch the show, you watch the commercial, you talk about them...etc.

In addition, Warren Buffet does care, because if he didn't he wouldn't be one of the nations biggest advocates for tax increases on the rich.

Marv, I'm rich. I'm saving money, making money in the market and all. My money is working for me. I worked hard to save my money and now my money is working hard for me. I care about the poor. That's why I don't give them handouts. I try to help them, I volunteer time to assist and educate. Though, of the homeless I haven't met one who actually wanted to do something to improve their situation.

Me? I took control and I took care of myself. Now that I'm able to fend for myself, I can really help people close to me. I'm rich and I care. I'm worthless if I can't fend for myself first before I try helping someone else. One I'm secure, then I can start helping other people. This is referred to as Maslow's Hierchary. Self Actualization is the top, once you achieve that level you are your own limit.

I know plenty of wealthy people who offer HELP to the less fortunate. I said HELP.. not hand outs. Struggling to pay your bills? Let's create a budget and review your spending habits and go from there. Maybe you don't need financial help but better spending habits. The vast majority of people are poor because they spend more than they make. The other are rich because they spend less than they earn.
Money is the root of all evil which is true from the Bible to today. Greed commands all.
Also some rich inherit their money like Romney, JFK and his brothers, and many more. You are a very unique person who cares about the less unfortunate than do most rich people.I praise you for this.

I'm not Mormon but I'm somewhat familiar with their faith. Go to a service or two of theirs and stick around. They'll offer you financial help or any help you need. They won't give you hand outs, but they will help you if you're willing to be helped. Romney, to me, has shown that plenty of times and I really believe he will put things into play to give the American people a chance to help themselves. Though, he will fail at it because the majority will only want hand outs, not help.
Your well off because nobody loves you hence you don't need to spend any money past your internet account and the trailer you live in with your mom.

Lets get real riser ... you sold your granny to the knacker yard for glue.

I checked your IP and its registered to St Vinny De Pail so you probably hacked them for free wifi.

I daw you last week getting burgers out of the McDonalds skip bin out the back.

I saw your prison hooch recipe on the tube.

That was you spamming the forums with that fake Nigerian Princess ransom scam.

I agreed to be your parole officer after the last pyramid scheme you cooked up with those mums at the daycare centre you infiltrated with a fake baby in your pram ... but your letting me down.

Did you take those photos of Mitt Romney and the donkey?


Maybe it is true, and in that case I ought to call America's entire society of welfare earners as greedy and evil. Maybe they ought to be tossed in jail?

In modern day society, you need money to live a healthy and happy life. As much as you may disagree with me valiantly due to some religious or implanted idea from childhood, its true. To make money, you need an education and effort.

Have you ever heard people saying, "Don't feed the animals at the zoo, because then they will depend to be fed by humans instead of hunting for themselves and die"? Same analogy works for humans. If you keep giving money to the poor, they'll be more dependent as generations pass by. Liberals have a very difficult time grasping this concept and have been systematically destroying the United States for decades now. Perhaps because most liberals are the ones receiving handouts, and the ones in congress need to serve the poor to keep getting re-elected. Either way, if it doesn't stop soon, REAL soon, then there will be even worse issues.