Should we allow the rich to get richer?

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In relative percentage.

If I made 50,000 USD, I would have to pay 28%
If I made 50,000,000 USD, I would have to pay 19.5%

They don't pay as much in terms of the bracket, not in terms of all collectable tax income.

NOTE: These are educated averages and do not reflect actual IRS values.
Liberals are working all kinds of jobs to support themselves and their families. If does not cease with condemning of class warfare we will wind up like a third world country.
What gets me is all these people, being a bigot means including everyone of a particular group, saying all the rich need to pay more.
How does anyone know whats a rich person has paid?
If theyve made personal contributions to hospitals, certain relief help etc, in amounts greater than their taxes would be, I guess that you could call these non rich, fairness folks bigots.
But then again, instead of a hands on, direct help to these hospitals, helpers et Al, we need to send it to the government, as we all know, they are so much more efficient, and even tho many who do this will hit their respective tipping point on helping people, as they paid at the office attitudes creeps in, because of such bigotry, only those hospitals et al will suffer for it, no big deal
I fail to see whats wrong with my logic. I can rephrase it and take out the offensive word.

I have a million times more money than you because I work a million times harder.
Thats akin to belief and other unmentionable attitudes.

To attack them, set them apart, is bigotry at its finest.

Woodrow Wilson could do the other unmentionable things in his day, because it was allowed then, as this is today.
Have to walk that politically correct line you know
Look at it this way.
They should be proud of who they are.
Some were born that way.
Some are ashamed they are the way they are, but wont/cant change it.

Now, why would anyone want to be this way?
It sets up what Woodrow Wilson had when he was president.
He had certain advantages, was welcomed anywhere he went.
Many people couldnt attain that which he was born in to.

If people cant see this, they need to recheck what their leaders are telling them as to whats OK, and what isnt

Muhaha, you didn't "disagree" with that long list of points I made, because the both of us know they are 100% true. This argument is won and over :)!

I sense sarcasm in that when shouldn't be. The Rich have better educations and work much harder during the first part of their lives than most others. After a certain point many decide they have made enough and then take it easy, while others continue working hard, because they want more money. Either way, there is no sense in condemning a lifestyle that anybody...even you...can achieve with proper strategy, education, and effort.

You get what you put in. Some people work really hard for meager gains. Other people work smarter for bigger rewards. I know a few millionaires and I wouldn't want to walk a day in their shoes.

Honestly, no matter how much money you have, as long as you still have to work it doesn't matter. You only have so much free time, so much vacation time.

Friend's dad is a millionaire. He's constantly working.. maybe once a week he takes time out for himself and doesn't work. He doesn't own a boat, doesn't golf, doesn't do anything.. because he's constantly working. He goes to events as a sponsor and gets to eat nice food, drink fine wines, etc. But he's still working. He's talking business, he's discussing how to promote.. his mind never shuts down.

Me, I could make more money if I wanted to sacrifice more personal time. I'm fine with my current balance.

Theres a continued erosion of profits with higher taxes.
They will most likely invest elsewhere

Again, they will have less to spend, and again, at a higher penalty, as their income shrinks, thijngs become more expensive compared to their incoming monies, smaller pie, less to eat.

Just like you or I, they have a certain lifestyle, they will move, invest their monies elsewheres or they will charge more for their goods, or if cheaper goods can be had, it will lead to those outside this heavier tax, likely, overseas

People say, they own.have so much power and money and power and money, yet it seems, they cant stimulate the economy by building another business, or upgrading their current one etc etc etc

The poor will automatically become poorer, only offset by more given thru the government, only because higher costs are associated with any product made, as the taxes will be higher.
Those prices will go directly at the consumer, rich or poor

Again, the pie is only so big, and only those with money can grow it.
Thwe government sloppiklly moves it from one pocket to another, with costs of those who do such things incurred as well, plus the inefficiency.

The government cant grow the pie, only people with money can
The government can stimu;ate growth, but they actually take NO part in its growth other than that

Too many assumptions and half truths here for me JDJ. The pie is getting bigger every day, its called globalization. You are stuck thinking in the 50's when it was nothing like it is now.

People will always invest in America, its the safest bet. Yes even now its still the safest bet, I don't know if you have seen or not but we are recovering while everyone else is struggling.

Investors do not control the prices of the companies they invest in, not sure what you are talking about here JDJ. If the overall tax got increased on just income, then yes there is a chance that prices "might go up". Capital gains would not influence the prices of products though, that is a flat out lie.
Globalization is costing this country more, and it too is only so big, and money makes it move, and those who know how to make money move it and make it.

Sonce the fed has been devaluing the dollar, the US isnt near as safe as it once was.
Now, pile on taxes, reduce profit, reduce investments from here, tho, you could argue the Chinese could start heavy investments here, if globalization to that extent is to your liking.
Let the folks here have it good.
Its changed here, as we see Canadians moving their HQs back to Canada, just to avoid the taxes, and was why yhey were here, because they were so low, yet people want more?
You take care of you own first, thats all there is to it
Unfortunately, I'm almost certain we will see a serious degrade in quality of living and a near collapse of our government in our lifetime. Which reminds me, I need to buy more ammo. I'm eyeing a couple extra firearms since they're a good place to hide your money.
Complete nonsense to say this.A lot of rich people inherit their money like ROMNEY!Maybe some work hard but the majority no way.
Sure, people inherit money... but he's managed to keep that money and/or grow the money. There is something to be said about that.

How many times do you see lottery winners, artists, and athletes coming into money and filing bankrupt?

Globalization is so much more than that, disappointing to know that you think of it in that regard.

Devaluing the dollar has upside too, not to mention that it's basically the standard currency.
Taxes here are lower than most other developed countries, not sure why you are overstating this.

You forgot to add how he would take business's, load them with debt, then layoff workers and cut healthcare benefits to others. He absolutely destroyed all the companies he ran as far as the employee's were concerned. Unethical to say the least.

I can tell you have no idea how Romney handled his business dealings, but that's ok. Ignorance isn't a crime.

The devaluation of the dollar is good?
We may lose our prefered status

As per taxes, again, show me links, as this is soooooooooo wrong.

Globalization can be a good thing, but that depends on the costs of such things

Makes American exports cheaper. this is just corporate taxes btw

The costs of such things????????