Six Strikes Copyright Program


Nov 11, 2012
Let me start by saying i know pirating is wrong. Dont tell me i shouldn't do it. I download TV shows so i can watch them when i want.

Okay, With the Six Strikes Program set to start this week. Major ISP's like AT&T and time Warner are going to start sending you stuff when you download torrents. And throttling your bandwidth after so many times.

What i want to know is. If i use a newsgroup and they provide SSL. Will they still be able to tell im downloading things? If so what can i do to make sure they cant?
Most likely they only care about torents for now. They already admit the biggest abusers will use proxy.

Will be interesting to see the backlash this causes when all the free open wireless hotspots go away. Most small business that provide this do not have the skills to block torrents.

in utorrent use enforced encryption that can't do any harm to use, stops people seeing what is in it and if you use privet trackers then their less likely to find out what is in it, torrents aren't illegal some of the content is tho.