[SOLVED] Skipped Frames - Max 100% CPU - Streamlabs OBS


Aug 10, 2020

Before i begin, here are my specs:
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz (12 CPUs), ~3.2GHz
Memory: 16384MB RAM
Chip type: GeForce GTX 1660 Ti

So I mostly play Dead by Daylight which isn't a strong source requiring game, but the last couple of streams I've had I have lost frames....as you can see on streamlab settings attachments I have provided, i have 60 fps as my default, but it will drop to 30-35 and maybe 40 and then go back to 60, which makes my stream very hard to watch. I notice my CPU will max to 100% when i do have these bad streams (Because sometimes i have good streams without problems) i legit built this pc to stream, twitch requires an i5 to stream and im running with a i7- 8700 , so i should have zero issues as far as i know. All the settings i have are seen in the below link "Streamlab settings" i run on x264 and even dropped cpu usages to super fast and i still get these problems. I'm thinking of maybe going Nvenc, but i'm sure that's necessary, because my CPU should be better than my GPU based on model. Also just to mention i have beast internet, i have 300 speed and 50 ups, so i have no reason to suspect my internet as a problem. Please Tom hardware gods, help me, you're my only hope 🙁

Streamlab settings
Try setting priority from Above Normal to Normal.

Monitor your dashboard and chat from a tablet or your phone instead of browser that utilizes some % of your CPU.
Try setting priority from Above Normal to Normal.

Monitor your dashboard and chat from a tablet or your phone instead of browser that utilizes some % of your CPU.

It was originally on normal and put it to above to test a fix. My browser barely uses cpu, so I doubt that's the problem. I use opera, it's less than 1% processor . This problem sucks.