If by choppy you mean rough on the edges as opposed to choppy bad FPS, read on
In COH/COV make sure AA is on, that game looks extremely jaggy without it. COH/COV is more cpu dependent then anything so, AA should not hit you too hard.
You will have to enable advanced settings(Menu->Options->Graphics and Sound, enable Advanced Graphics settings). Also, the bloom effects can hide some of the rough edges.
If you think you have a fps issue, in the chat bar type /showfps 1 and you can see your fps(top right) and make adjustments and see how they work(always leave the menu to test, it oddly enough can effect fps as does the WW/BM screens). Sometimes Vsync causes big hits in fps on this game(sudden drops). But with it off you get page tearing. So test it out. Also remember certain times fps drops are not avoidable. Invasions are one of those times.
I do not think COH/COV will get a boost from SLI/Xfire
Hope this helps, have fun.
EDIT, Also enable triple buffering for COH/COV in the Nvidia control panel.[/quotemsg
Thank you so much Nuke
I didn't really need to build one with this spec, but my husband do alot of video editing so I figured if I'm going to build one, I might as well build a decent one.
Anyway, it was a pretty simple fix. He went to Nvidia site and update the driver (even though windows says everything was up to date) and that seemed to fix the issue