SLI gtx 1080s perfoming poorly


Nov 28, 2017
My 1080s are barely running games such as assassins creed origins where one should easily handle it and ark at max i get 50-60fps
Specs - Processor = AMD FX8320E
Ram = 16 gigs
power supply = 850
gpu = gtx 1080s sli with bridge
My idea is a possible cpu bottleneck but not sure.
most likely it would point to the CPU bottlneck.. but in reality, since you are on that vague YES IT WILL BOTTLNECK, NO IT WILL NOT IN SPECIFIC SITUATIONS line.. then I think you should be install a hardware monitor program (even MSI afterburner), it will show you all of your CPU / GPU / HDD / and other usage during load. you can go on that and see how badly it is holding back your system. Also.. be weary of the 70% usage on your CPU.. if it's a program that cannot use all of your cores, sometimes it'll show 70% while other cores are "parked".

yes and its basically the same. I used one 1080 for a while then added another after some time.

What good would that do?

I ran the MSI Afterburner and ran the Assassins Creed Origins Benchmark had an average of 28 fps, cpu ore 1-8 ranged from 75% to 100% each.
wow I missed the "SLI" on the first read.... damn.. that's rough....

Reading a couple of articiles... AC Origin's would seem to be very rough on the CPU in particular...... Of course your SLI is not to blame for poor performance..

It could be a time to think about upgrading from your dated 8320? Something like i7-8700 (even non k) is quite amazing these days (CPU-MOBO-RAM upgrade involved). It would seem that this is your path if you want to get some better performance, and I would suggest you either go i5-8400 > i7-8700 > i7 - 8700k. Those 1080s should keep you in a happy place for a while still. (i skipped 8600k because the 8700 ruins it with running stock and 0 head aches)

I'm not 100% knowledgable with computer parts but do you think a AMD FX-9370 would do?
Using a fresh install of windows on a spare drive will eliminate the potential for software being the issue and installing it on a spare would be so you don't have to back up and erase and reinstall everything and find out that it was for naught.

honestly.. unless it's a free change, it's really not even worth investing. I think the 8320/50s were pretty slow for a good 2 maybe almost even 3 years now.

The 9370 you are looking at offers... yes.. out of the box performance.. but if we put them on the same level.. there really aint much difference. Since it would seem to be a search for way out without spending (from the vibe)... Would you be able to OC your CPU? that would really depend heavily on your CPU Cooler and Motherboard options/quality. Although it's kind of asking a backwards thing from a Low Power Draw CPU... but... at this point, got to make it a little faster. Faster Frequency will relieve some of the bottleneck and allow the GPUs to be more effective. This is NOT a FIX, but more of a little bit of a patch. Try it, see if you get a little happier :)

And, as far as if you DO upgrade.. I still suggest Intel, especially in gaming.
Assassin's creed origins doesn't appear to support SLI at all. As said above, you're almost certainly hitting a CPU bottleneck. No, absolutely do not get an FX-9xxx CPU. Your motherboard probably doesn't support it anyway. Upgrade to AMD Ryzen or Intel Coffee Lake, either of which requires a new mobo and RAM as well.