Question Slow download speeds in some gaming clients

Sep 12, 2022

I have a problem with download speed in Epic Games and Ubisoft Connect clients. I have gigabit internet and i have correct download speed on Steam/Battle Net/Browser downloading. But for some reason, my download speed in Epic is in hundreds of kB/s (many times even zero) and around 2 MB/s in Ubisoft Connect.
I think i have tried everything already (updates, restarting modem, editing config file for Epic, different DNS, DNS flush, opening ports in modem/router settings, etc..) Nothing works.
As i have written, downloading works fine on Steam/Battlenet for example (100MB/s)
Do you have any idea what the problem is and how to possibly fix it?

eventually bad timing, try @Night after midnight or in the morning
check the server stats

disable windows firewall for testing
disable antivirus

reinstall the game clients
have a look if the bandwidth is limited by the client
Is anyone else using your internet?

check the speed by using the taskmanager of windows
As written in the post: "my download speed in Epic is in hundreds of kB/s (many times even zero) and around 2 MB/s in Ubisoft Connect."
I use wired connection. (Cat5e)
Speedtest: last test showed 862.97 / 97.67
As written in the post: "my download speed in Epic is in hundreds of kB/s (many times even zero) and around 2 MB/s in Ubisoft Connect."
I use wired connection. (Cat5e)
Speedtest: last test showed 862.97 / 97.67
Then I would suspect it is that particular service to being the "problem".
Nothing you can fix.

Your overall service seems to be working fine.
Other game servers, also fine.
I think it's on my side, because it is working just fine for my friend who lives not far from me a he's downloading the same game at the same time at normal speed. I know it's really strange
Since other things work fine this is not a generic network problem. Everything outside your pc is the same so it s not likely it is any equipment in the path. The only exception would be if the game company that has issues ISP had a problem connecting to your ISP.
Try a vpn service and see if it is faster since that will likely take a different path though the internet. This is highly unlikely with very commonly used servers like epic or ubisoft but it could be.

After that you are talking about software on the PC. That is one of the hardest things to find because it can be pretty much anything from setting in windows to configuration options in the download program itself.

In general you want to look for any software that claims to do QoS or favor one kind of traffic over another. This type of software might be limiting the traffic to that server.

This is one of those at some point you give up and reinstall windows because you can't find it and hope it gets fixed.
Is your hard drive full?? I've noticed that in some games it'll download super slow as it removes files while downloading.

In the EPIC launcher you can see how much it's writing to the hard drive as well as download speed. Download speed will be zero at times for everyone because the launcher is installing and doesn't need to download anything at that particular moment. You can see the write speed is high in these instances.