[SOLVED] Slow PC pls help

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Apr 6, 2022
My dad pc is old and is slow, the pc specs are:
MOBO asus p5g41tm lx(lga775)
CPU intel 2quad q9800 @3ghz
RAM 8GB (4x2 ddr3)
SSD wd blue 500GB(idk the exact model)
GPU nvidia 750ti palit mini
PSU only God know what it is(techsolo gt730 maybe)
Windows 10 (home or pro, don t remember)
the cooler is overkill for the cpu btw.
The problem probably is the ssd cause it can t go more then a normal hdd, it goes at max 200MB/s.
I can t download things bigger then some giga cause the pc freeze for a while when the bandwith of the disk is full(before it does not happen).
The ssd is connected with a sata 3 I think btw it say the max bandwith is 3gb/s.
The pc in general is thine exept for this problem and another with the net that sometime does not work, it say there is no connection while the modem is connected and also is at 2.5Gb, the cable is ok.
Thanks for who could help me
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The motherboard is 11 years old
the CPU is doing the best it can with 4 cores

the reason PC freezes probably is the speed of transfer an ssd can do overwhelms the CPU.
I had a 4690k before this PC, 4 cores... running scans on my ssd using some programs would take it to 100% usage, so I assume a CPU from 2008 is going to struggle to keep up.

P5G41T-M LX Plus has 1 x PCIe x16 and 1 x PCIe x1 that appear to be PCIe version 1 with a per-lane data rate of 250 MB/s and a transfer rate of 2.5 gigatransfers per second (GT/s). The PCIe 2.0 standard doubles the transfer rate compared with PCIe 1.0 to 5 GT/s and the per-lane throughput rises from 250 MB/s to 500 MB/s.

The motherboard has the Intel ICH7. The ICH7 (Base) chip does not support...
The motherboard is 11 years old
the CPU is doing the best it can with 4 cores

the reason PC freezes probably is the speed of transfer an ssd can do overwhelms the CPU.
I had a 4690k before this PC, 4 cores... running scans on my ssd using some programs would take it to 100% usage, so I assume a CPU from 2008 is going to struggle to keep up.

P5G41T-M LX Plus has 1 x PCIe x16 and 1 x PCIe x1 that appear to be PCIe version 1 with a per-lane data rate of 250 MB/s and a transfer rate of 2.5 gigatransfers per second (GT/s). The PCIe 2.0 standard doubles the transfer rate compared with PCIe 1.0 to 5 GT/s and the per-lane throughput rises from 250 MB/s to 500 MB/s.

The motherboard has the Intel ICH7. The ICH7 (Base) chip does not support AHCI and not having PCIe version 2 will limit any PCI-e controller transfer rate.

MB can only do 200mb/s

MB can only do 200mb/s
1 thing, the cpu actually is really good, and it run at 30% max.
So the actual problem are not the cpu or the ssd but the mobo right? or better the connection that have a small bandwith right?
If so, why with hdd I did not had this problems (freeze) but only it was slow ?
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So the actual problem are not the cpu or the ssd but the mobo right?
transfer speed is the motherboard

Freeze is not so clear, probably is related to the transfer rate.

hdd transfer rate even when ssd can only do 200 is 4x slower. Hdd can do about 50mb/s tfr rate so its possible PC can keep up with it, but 4x times faster (or more) can make any 4 core CPU chug

I have a Virtual machine of windows 10 that only has 4 cores, 8gb of ram and 32gb of storage space which was on a hdd up until yesterday, and it was the hdd that was running at 100% usage the entire time I was updating windows, that slowed it down. Sure, the 4 cores I gave it can go to 4.5ghz but I didn't notice that much usage on them. After moving the virtual machine to my ssd I sure noticed the difference when i ran the next updates.

My PC when I run scans of entire PC has to think more when its scanning my ssd compared to hdd, mainly because of how much info it can take in at one time.
transfer speed is the motherboard

Freeze is not so clear, probably is related to the transfer rate.

hdd transfer rate even when ssd can only do 200 is 4x slower. Hdd can do about 50mb/s tfr rate so its possible PC can keep up with it, but 4x times faster (or more) can make any 4 core CPU chug

I have a Virtual machine of windows 10 that only has 4 cores, 8gb of ram and 32gb of storage space which was on a hdd up until yesterday, and it was the hdd that was running at 100% usage the entire time I was updating windows, that slowed it down. Sure, the 4 cores I gave it can go to 4.5ghz but I didn't notice that much usage on them. After moving the virtual machine to my ssd I sure noticed the difference when i ran the next updates.

My PC when I run scans of entire PC has to think more when its scanning my ssd compared to hdd, mainly because of how much info it can take in at one time.
thamks for the main problem, can you answer also for the other? the internet connection some times stop for like 10-20 sec and then restart
1 thing, the cpu actually is really good, and it run at 30% max.
So the actual problem are not the cpu or the ssd but the mobo right? or better the connection that have a small bandwith right?
If so, why with hdd I did not had this problems (freeze) but only it was slow af?
Download this.

Reboot and wait a few mins.
Run UBM with the browser closed.
Post a LINK to the results page.
next time the internet stops, I would look in either Event viewer to see what happened around the time of stoppage, or on Reliability History as it might show here as an error.

with an 11 year old PC you lucky to have any drivers
next time the internet stops, I would look in either Event viewer to see what happened around the time of stoppage, or on Reliability History as it might show here as an error.

with an 11 year old PC you lucky to have any drivers
The pc is awesome, had a lot of driver support, the problems are not the drivers, but thanks for the idea I will take a look to the log file for the ethernet connection(the solution tool form windows is just dumb, say connect an ethernet cable while is already there and working)
sorry but I ve already tested the pc with the best tool I could find in the net, how could I know the ssd speed if I have not?
btw thank for the help
If you are going to come here for help than tell the very people who volunteer their time that they are wrong or don't know what they are talking about, and do not provide answers when asked (we still don't know what, exactly, you used to do your so called benchmarking) then I suggest that you don't ask questions in the first place as you're wasting the volunteer's time here. You've done this in every thread you've posted in and it needs to stop. Now.
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Seconding @ex_bubblehead 's post.

= = = =

Regarding: "I ve already tested the pc with the best tool I could find in the net "

And "I ve already tested the pc with better tools ."

As has been asked what tool did you use, how was the tool determined to be the "best"?

Where did you get the tool: downloaded from where?

= = = =

How about a bit of a "do over" here: e.g. the network problem(s).

Start with make and model information for modem, router, or modem router as applicable.

How many and what other devices are connected to your network: wired and wireless?

To help here is a typical network line diagram where --- > represents an Ethernet cable and ~~~> represents a wireless connection.

ISP (Who?)= == (Coax, DSL, Fiber?) ===> Modem --- > [WAN Port] Router [LAN ports] ----> wired devices and ~~~> wireless devices.

Edit and correct my line diagram as necessary.

Run "ipconfig /all" (without quotes) via the Command Prompt and post the results.

You need to provide some real information about your network and its' applicable configuration.
Seconding @ex_bubblehead 's post.

= = = =

Regarding: "I ve already tested the pc with the best tool I could find in the net "

And "I ve already tested the pc with better tools ."

As has been asked what tool did you use, how was the tool determined to be the "best"?

Where did you get the tool: downloaded from where?

= = = =

How about a bit of a "do over" here: e.g. the network problem(s).

Start with make and model information for modem, router, or modem router as applicable.

How many and what other devices are connected to your network: wired and wireless?

To help here is a typical network line diagram where --- > represents an Ethernet cable and ~~~> represents a wireless connection.

ISP (Who?)= == (Coax, DSL, Fiber?) ===> Modem --- > [WAN Port] Router [LAN ports] ----> wired devices and ~~~> wireless devices.

Edit and correct my line diagram as necessary.

Run "ipconfig /all" (without quotes) via the Command Prompt and post the results.

You need to provide some real information about your network and its' applicable configuration.
Ok, regardind ethernet problem, I have a full fiber system up to 2.5Gb/s
From the modem(where arrive the fiber) start my 3 ethernet cable.
2 are cat5e 1 is cat 8 and everyone work fine on every device I have(console pc tv)
The problem of disconnection are random and usually at the start of the pc.
When the pc is on there could be from 0 to 6 device on the net(by the modem) mixed between wireless and ethernet.
While the pc have the problem no any others devices have the problem.
The pc have a gigabit ethernet integrated in the mobo.
Regarding the ssd all is clear
Thanks for the help

ISP === Fiber ===> Modem/Router [LAN Ports] three (of 4 ?) in use for console, pc, and tv plus ~~~~> to up to 3 other wireless devices. What are those devices?

No printer, no network storage, etc..?

Make and model modem/router? Who has full admin rights to the modem router? Very likely that the configuration settings will need to be checked.

Source for that Cat 8 cable? Do you have another known working Cat 5e cable to use instead?

Still need "ipconfig/all" results from your pc.

ISP === Fiber ===> Modem/Router [LAN Ports] three (of 4 ?) in use for console, pc, and tv plus ~~~~> to up to 3 other wireless devices. What are those devices?

No printer, no network storage, etc..?

Make and model modem/router? Who has full admin rights to the modem router? Very likely that the configuration settings will need to be checked.

Source for that Cat 8 cable? Do you have another known working Cat 5e cable to use instead?

Still need "ipconfig/all" results from your pc.
My network work fine, is just this pc that have some problems.
The cables are fine, tested with a thng that test if any of the copper cable are broken or have some problems, they work fine 100%.
On my net there max 1pc 1 console(ethernet) and 4 phone wireless, nothing more.
The problem is not the net 100%
I think is something on the ethernet chip on the mobo or some setting maybe wrong, or also can be that is too old and is done.
I d like if someone can tell me which settings do I have to check or on the mobo if something is broken, the net is not the problem it work extra well
Btw the modem is from a company called fastweb

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"The cables are fine, tested with a thng that test if any of the copper cable are broken or have some problems, they work fine 100%. "

Without knowing the actual tester I will venture a guess that that tester is only testing for conductivity and not necessarily the quality of the network cable. May work well for console and TV but not up to par for the pc's requirements. Especially if the cable is not pure copper, flat, or uses too fine of wire.

Cables should be Cat 5e, round, UTP, pure copper, and 22-24 AWG.

[Note: and I would be very surprised if that Cat 8 cable is contributing any thing positive at all. Not a spec and even if capable of the marketed speeds the cable will only be as fast as the slowest network component.

= = = =

This modem?


Who has admin rights to the modem? The modem's admin screens and logs (if available and enabled) may provide some information relevant to the pc's networking problems.

This motherboard?


And, going with the pc being the potential source of the problem, it will be very helpful to see the results of the pc's "ipconfig /all" for things to check.

The results may help identify other possible troubleshooting or remedial actions. The latter likely being limited being because (as has been mentioned by @Colif , Post #2) the pc is 11 years old.

You could try a USB-Ethernet adapter in lieu of the motherboard's built in Ethernet port.

Without more information trying a USB-Ethernet adapter is just a blanket suggestion.
"The cables are fine, tested with a thng that test if any of the copper cable are broken or have some problems, they work fine 100%. "

Without knowing the actual tester I will venture a guess that that tester is only testing for conductivity and not necessarily the quality of the network cable. May work well for console and TV but not up to par for the pc's requirements. Especially if the cable is not pure copper, flat, or uses too fine of wire.

Cables should be Cat 5e, round, UTP, pure copper, and 22-24 AWG.

[Note: and I would be very surprised if that Cat 8 cable is contributing any thing positive at all. Not a spec and even if capable of the marketed speeds the cable will only be as fast as the slowest network component.

= = = =

This modem?


Who has admin rights to the modem? The modem's admin screens and logs (if available and enabled) may provide some information relevant to the pc's networking problems.

This motherboard?


And, going with the pc being the potential source of the problem, it will be very helpful to see the results of the pc's "ipconfig /all" for things to check.

The results may help identify other possible troubleshooting or remedial actions. The latter likely being limited being because (as has been mentioned by @Colif , Post #2) the pc is 11 years old.

You could try a USB-Ethernet adapter in lieu of the motherboard's built in Ethernet port.

Without more information trying a USB-Ethernet adapter is just a blanket suggestion.
ok thanks, the mobo is that, the modem is the older one.
btw I used each ethernet cables in my 2 pc and on my pc(the newer) is all fine and yes the tester test the conductivity.(I used also an usb adapter but I don t remember if the problem already existed, now I will try with the nintendo switch lan adapter but if all work fine what is the problem?the header?)
I will reply likely tomorrow with the ipconfig all, cause now I cant.
Probably is that the pc is a lot old and maybe is time to rip him
2 pcs" ? Or "2 pc and on my pc(newer)" which would be 3 pcs.

Per your post #16 there is "max 1 pc".

If things keep changing for whatever reasons - solving the problem becomes even more difficult.

Especially if you have a mixed network environment of wired and wireless computers and other devices.

As for the computers verify that any given computer (or device) has only one network adapter (either wired or wireless) enabled. Not both at the same time.

And it will also help you out to sketch out a simple diagram of your network showing all connected devices, their names, assigned or static IP addresses, and MACs.

Overall, I believe that the problem may be a duplicate IP address and/or some other network configuration error.

Again you will need admin rights to the router to help identify and resolve such problems.

The old pc may indeed be involved - but a "rip" may not solve the problem.
2 pcs" ? Or "2 pc and on my pc(newer)" which would be 3 pcs.

Per your post #16 there is "max 1 pc".

If things keep changing for whatever reasons - solving the problem becomes even more difficult.

Especially if you have a mixed network environment of wired and wireless computers and other devices.

As for the computers verify that any given computer (or device) has only one network adapter (either wired or wireless) enabled. Not both at the same time.

And it will also help you out to sketch out a simple diagram of your network showing all connected devices, their names, assigned or static IP addresses, and MACs.

Overall, I believe that the problem may be a duplicate IP address and/or some other network configuration error.

Again you will need admin rights to the router to help identify and resolve such problems.

The old pc may indeed be involved - but a "rip" may not solve the problem.
I think I d attacched well the screenshot of ipconfigall(hope)
there are also the logs, they are only allerts, the last 2 were in hardware the first in application but is just caused by a disconnection here the drive Folder (ip,dns, and hdcp are censored obvusly)
thanks for the help
the event viewer item is a DCOM error. Almost every windows 10 PC on earth gets those, they are windows database errors.
what event number does it show

the event mentioning CLSID might be a defender trying to update its signatures, or checking updates.
I was able to see the Folder with "ipconfig /all'. However, the results were incomplete plus you scratched out the IP addresses.

Scratching out the IP addresses is not necessary.


Public vs Private IP addresses.

You can and should search for other similar links. Hundreds of home and small business networks use the Private IP address ranges.

What you do not want to give out is you Public IP address - provided to the router via the ISP.

= = = =

From what I could see and read the PC does appear to be configured as would be expected.

It does appear that the computer is likely configured with the commonly used Gateway/Router IP address with a subnet of

If the Router is using some other IP address then no network connection will be made.

IPv6 is enabled and if not available via your ISP then disable IPv6. No harm in doing so in any case because IPv6 can cause problems on its own.,

I was also looking to see if the pc has two network adapters enabled. I could not tell as the ipconfig /all results were incomplete.

Who has admin rights to the Router? You really need to have that person helping. There are no workarounds.
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