Small doubt about mobo and cpu


Mar 15, 2012
ok guys, tomorrow i will be building my first pc.
the processor and the mobo i will be using are the following:
CPU: Intel Core i5-3470 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($184.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: ASRock H77 Pro4/MVP ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($87.55 @ Newegg)

i know those two parts are compatible, but, the reason for this post is to ask you guys a few questions i have about the motherboard.
after im done building the pc, is there something else i have to do before turning it on? I have read forums and watched videos about downloading some sort of bios software to a flash drive and installing it before installing my OS. also, do i have to set ram voltages, or will the mobo auto-detect and do everything by itself?
furthermore, i have the mobo drivers in an installation cd, but i will be downloading the latest ones from asrock and installing those. my question is: are those drivers the most important ones? i mean, the lan driver, chipset, etc. and are those the only ones i have to install (excluding gpu, i know how to do those).

what im planning to do after finishing my build is turning on the pc, pres del to enter bios or eufi and making sure everythings detected and working right. set my main storage device to wherever it is connected, set boot order to optical drive and install OS and finally boot again and set boot order to wherever the os is installed and once in windows, install the latest mobo drivers. is this a proper procedure? thank you for your time and help =)
1) Go to bios and check everything is ok
2) If ur memory support X.M.P, choose X.M.P profile in the bios or else, u can manually set the parameters that ur ram indicates.
3) Check ur boot sequence
4) Install windows
5) Install all the drivers that come with mobo or download it from the net using thumb drive/portable hdd with another comp and install them <the best is to install whatever u have on the cd that come with mobo and update later so that u won't miss out any driver>
6) After everything is working fine, update ur bios. U might need to do the settings again after bios flashing ( I need to do so on my ASUS mobo ).
You shouldn't have to do much. Just make sure to double check everything before you turn it on.
1. Make sure RAM is seated properly.
2. Make sure all power connectors and sata connectors are seated properly.
3. Make sure the GPU is seated properly.

Once it's all put together then go ahead and boot. You should either get error beeps or a message about a missing OS. Once get the missing OS message then go ahead and install the OS.

You shouldn't have to flash the BIOS as others have said. A bad flash can kill the motherboard so as a rule of thumb it's best only to do it if you have too. On the flip side if you wanna make sure you don't run into any future problems. The best time to flash the BIOS is while the mobo is within the return policy.
To answer your questions:

1. DO NOT try to update the bios. Either now or later unless the update is a fix for something that is impacting you.
A failed bios update can brick your motherboard.

2. The motherboard defaults are the most fail safe that the motherboard maker can give you. There is no need to adjust anything as a rule.
I might go through all of the menu's to see what is there, but do not change anything, at least at first.

3. After you initially load the os, use the supplied cd to install the motherboard chipset drivers. The one for the lan will be necessary to connect to the internet to get the most current ones. Do not select install "all". Be selective and install drivers only. If not, you will be loading a bunch of trialware and utilities that you don't need, at least initially.

4. I would set the dvd as the first boot device, and your target os drive as second. That way, you will not need to change anything.
Later, you might put your os drive first for faster booting.

5. I usually test things out initially by running memtest86+ for a few minutes. That lets me know the ram and cpu are ok for a windows install.