Small Gaming PC?


Dec 28, 2011
This is mainly an interest and curiosity thing, but I want to know without doing case modifications and the like;
how small can you build a PC with a full size GPU? By full size GPU, I mean cards like the GT660 and 7850.
It would only need to contain an SSD, PSU, MicroATX Motherboard, 2 Sticks of Ram, CPU on a stock cooler, and maybe a Optical Drive.


I see. The cases still look pretty chunky width wise. What order does Newegg do their measurements?

Would a board and case like this support a card like the 7850?
If you want the case to be thinner, you will have to sacrifice the graphics card and possibly ATX size PSU's.

Not sure, guess you can look up reviews on the cases for more detailed info on them.

An ITX board will go in an ITX case, all fine there.
Whether the garphics card will fit in comes down to the card itself and the case. That Lian-Li only says "Standard" size graphics cards, so who knows what that means.
I assume that unless your card is overly long, it will be fine. if not, you may have to cut or remove the bottom drive bays to fit it in.
I think you can find slim cases (like those old IBM PS/2's from the early 90's), kinda like the barebone systems newegg lists. I'm not a fan of big cases but I have an Antec 300 right now and it's bigger than I'd like.

I remember seeing a case as narrow as the expansion slot bays extend to, would be good for fitting under the monitor on some desks (my monitor sits too low so I pile a bunch of Archie Comic books under it).