Question Small ping spikes while gaming ?


Jun 12, 2016
I have had small ping spikes recently that are very annoying. They happen every couple minutes. I am on a new PC so im unsure as to what could cause it. It isn't happening to anyone else in my household either.
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These issues are many times extremely hard to find since wifi is affected by so many things.

In general ping spikes only affect people who try to play online games over wifi no other application is really affected. This is why you see the recommendation to use ethernet or some other form of wired connection for games.

In the past microsoft had some wifi auto discovery option that caused issues. Many people disabled it and other enabled it to fix strange issues. Microsoft has changed this and it is hard to say if they fixed it but you can not longer disable the feature or if you do it turns itself back on again. Microsoft really needs to not have so much junk built into windows.

Most other issues are related to wifi interference of some kind. You have few options. It is the standard try to use 2.4 or 5ghz radio bands to see if one works better. You could try to change the channels on the router. Maybe turning the pc so the antenna are facing a different direction might help.

Wifi has a fundamental design feature that trades random ping spikes.. for less data loss by retransmission of data. This feature helps improve performance for most application other than online games.