I can heartily NOT recommend Dan Brown's latest - The Lost Symbol. First of all, some moron in Sam's Club (where I bought it) ripped out a page in the middle of the book, then put it back & I happened to be the unlucky person buying that copy. But my daughter got a Kindle for Christmas and this was one of the e-books she ordered, so I skimmed over the missing page - didn't add much value to a trite, predictable and ridiculous premise story that I could see.
Spoiler warning...
The "Lost Symbol" turns out to be the Bible, probably King James version, that the Masons buried in the cornerstone of the Washington Monument. I guess after hiding all that accumulated wealth from Egypt & the middle ages in the church on the corner of Wall Street in NYC, as in "National Treasure", them pesky Masons were due for a letdown & all they could come up with was a copy of the Bible to stick under George's pyramid-shaped monument.
Now as to why the Masons would go to all the trouble of creating tons of hints, magic decoder boxes, etc etc etc just to lead to a Bible, is something only they or Dan Brown would know... His work has been steadily declining ever since he wrote The Da Vince Code. I just bought the BD version of Angels & Demons, and while watching the extra features, had to laugh when director Ron Howard said that they had to write out of the script the scene where Prof. Langdon jumps into the helicopter piloted by the Pope wannabe character, to keep the movie believable...