The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Dr. Julian Jaynes might be suitable if you are looking for something more intellectual but still very interesting.
How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne is very relevant to today's "pay the parasites" world, but the mostly off-grid lifestyle he discusses probably would not appeal to many technophiles.
The somewhat older "Psychology of ..." books by Nathaniel Branden may not teach you anything, but will give you the words to go with the thoughts you already have; you'll find yourself thinking "Ah ha, no wonder I feel that way when..."
How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne is very relevant to today's "pay the parasites" world, but the mostly off-grid lifestyle he discusses probably would not appeal to many technophiles.
The somewhat older "Psychology of ..." books by Nathaniel Branden may not teach you anything, but will give you the words to go with the thoughts you already have; you'll find yourself thinking "Ah ha, no wonder I feel that way when..."