Socket 1366 is Backwards Compatible with Socket 1156?



A trusted friend of mine who builds computers professionally, told me that the socket 1366 processors also work in 1156 sockets. I already own a 1156 motherboard but recently purchased an i7 980X 1366 CPU. I tried to install it but have had no luck. The bracket wouldn't close until I applied some force (more force than previously) and even then it didn't look right.

When I turn on the computer, nothing appears on the screen. I'm assuming now that the sockets are not compatible. I replaced the processor with my old one and now that won't work either. Again, I get a blank screen.

I'm thinking of RMAing my motherboard and both processors since they all wont work now.

My first question is, is it true, are they not compatible? I'm guessing I was missing something there... Do I need some kind of conversion bracket or something?

Thanks in advance.
You should've asked before making the purchase.. I don't know about the processor and other stuff but you definitely should RMA your friend (pardon me in case you felt bad).! Anyway, those sockets are not compatibale.. And are you sure you seated your old processor properly into the socket.?
OMG you FORCED the bracket closed on a $1,000 CPU? Here's hoping you've not damaged the pins on the motherboard then, and here's hoping your CPU is OK too.

No, the two sockets are not interchangeable in any way, shape or form and your friend needs some serious basic education on Intel hardware if he thought otherwise.

As stated above you need a socket 1366 motherboard for a socket 1366 CPU - pretty much all of them will run the 980X, but some will need a BIOS update. If you want a great board to go with a great chip (and I'm sure you have the cash) then look at the Asus Rampage III Extreme - some would say overkill, but unless you're doing heavy media work then the 980X is overkill too!
If you ever wondered whether some questions are troll bait , by fanboys thishas to be one of them.
It physically is so much larger, nobody would attempt to do this.

1366 ...............1156..................775

I already own a 1156 motherboard but recently purchased an i7 980X 1366 CPU. I tried to install it but have had no luck. The bracket wouldn't close until I applied some force (more force than previously) and even then it didn't look right.

i think that deserves this...


Sorry couldn't help myself :na:
Danger WIll Robinson, Danger, please step away from the computer and what ever you do, don not feed the trolls under any circumstances, your sanity will depend on it.

And now for something completely different

as if.