Software/hard drive problems after a power cut


Dec 7, 2011
i had a powercut yesterday while the pc was on and now norton/itunes are missing files. when i try to reinstall it doesn't work? any ideas

is it a external hard drive? my HDD locked up and had to do a hard restart, reformating the HDD and somone told me to use Recuva, it can recover deleted files or files you cant access that have not been deleted , the software is a bit slow but gets the job done.
Its an internal HDD that only got replaced in November 🙁 due to it frying perviously. We were hoping we wouldn't need to re-format it and re-install the OS etc. There's nothing major on the PC except game saves really that we should be able to transfer over to the laptop temporarily. Do you know of a simple step by step on how to re-format a Windows 7 OS HDD and then is it just a case of inserting the back-up disks when the blank drive starts up again? Thanks