Question Software issue causing mouse to double click

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Nov 27, 2024
My Logitech G502 recently started double clicking, its inconsistent on exactly when, but very frequent. I can click into a folder with a number of files in it, and with some difficulty I can drag a file out of the file explorer window and into something like an email to attach it, or into discord to send the file. Virtually every time though, it will hold and drag the file a way before dropping it and starting a new click, with no difference in input from me, holding down the mouse button the entire time. It also shows up somewhat more rarely on websites to test double clicks. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling G Hub with no results, I've tried changing mice to a different mouse (old logitech wireless mouse) and still have the same issue. I've uninstalled the drivers for both mice and still had issues. I don't know what else it could be beyond some program running in the background interrupting the mouse action or something. Its very frustrating as its prohibitively annoying with how much I share files.

has anyone else had experiences with a software causing this kind of issue before?

After booting into safe mode twice, and trying with both mice, the issue is still present. I would say it occurs even more frequently in safe mode than without. Wildly confusing to me.
moved the usb from the USB hub it was plugged into to a port on the back of the PC, and the issue is still present. it seems like it occurs a lot right at start up and then slows down marginally as the computer stays on
I ended up disassembling the mouse and cleaning the inside, i didnt have any canned air so it was a lot of picking out grime and pet hair with tweezers.


this is the video i followed for disassembly, i almost lost the springs for the middle mouse click, which gave me a scare

tested with this website (and with the same kind of click and drag test shown in the OP), and the issue seems to be largely, if not completely gone, even after restart, which was the most prevalent time for it. over all i ended up switching to a different port (moving from a USB hub to the motherboard USB on the back of the PC), uninstalling the USB root hub (USB 3.0) devices and the HID compliant mouse devices in device manager, and opened it up and cleaned it.

I'll update tomorrow if the issue comes back.
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