Question Software to flip horizontal a display for use as a DIY telprompter

Mar 9, 2024

As the questions states, I am on the hunt for a way to flip horizontally, an HDMI display for use as a DIY telpromper. No, windows landscape(Flipped) is not what I am looking for. Ultramon was a software that could do it that has been abandonware since 2018 or so. My only thought is running a Linux VM and just inverting the display in linux but I am not thrilled about this solution lol. Any ideas? I cant be the only one who want to flip an HDMI display horizontally.

Do you mean rotating the image 180 degrees, or reversing the image so you can only read it in a mirror?

You can do the former in Nvidia Control Panel > Display > Rotate display (obviously if using Nvidia GPU in Windows)

For the latter there's Ultramon (software), HDMI Mirror Box, and Decimator MD-HX (hardware).