Question (SOLVED) Battery charger won't charge AAA batteries ?


Jul 3, 2013
Hello folks i am writing here as i have a problem with my Keenstone HXY-H4 Battery Charger.

The thing is the charger works fine on AA rechargeable batteries. And even special custom larger NI-MH batteries I have for some special devices.

However, yesterday I wanted to recharge some rechargeable AAA batteries for the first time. It states clearly on the batteries that they are "rechargeable" and "NI-MH". The batteries still work in my mouse connected to my computer, but they have become very weak as they need to be recharged, I have 4 of these AAA batteries and none of them want to recharge. The Recharger does not even detect them.

The moment I place other batteries in the charger such as AA ones, it detects them immediately and starts recharging. I just don't know why. On the back of the charger it clearly states that it supports
AAA NI-MH batteries.

I would be really greateful if someone could help me.

Best Regards
Mathias T.
Source for those AAA batteries that will not recharge?

Consider that the batteries may be defective, substandard, counterfeit, or just cheap and failing.

See if you can borrow or otherwise obtain other rechargeable AAA batteries that are known to be rechargeable.

Determine if the Keenstone recharger will sucessfully and properly recharge those batteries.
Source for those AAA batteries that will not recharge?

Consider that the batteries may be defective, substandard, counterfeit, or just cheap and failing.

See if you can borrow or otherwise obtain other rechargeable AAA batteries that are known to be rechargeable.

Determine if the Keenstone recharger will sucessfully and properly recharge those batteries.
'Thanks for your answer.

I will try to buy some other batteries. But why would all 4 AAA batteries not work, would they all at once be defective? Does not make any sense?

The battery are: TRONIC. NI-MH 1.2 , 1000 mAh

It's these batteries: Click

Best Regards
Mathias T.
The reviews for that charger on Amazon say that to charge AAA you have to suspend them in the air between the terminals, because if you put them in the floor of the slot the normal way they will not make contact. And that this is annoying enough that it's just not a good charger for AAA, especially since those can get hot enough at the lowest 500mA setting to reduce their life. I suppose it could help if you used small metal magnets as spacers to make those AAA cells taller.
Those batteries are likely made by the thousands with little or no quality control.

Even if tested, a "bad batch" means nothing.....

Often just packed up, shipped, and sold all along the line with the knowledge that most people will not make the effort to return "inexpensive" products. Then the bad batteries get thrown into the trash and environment.

Still it remains to determine if the issue is the recharger or the battery.

If you have a multimeter you can do some testing yourself.

And, indeed, try @BFG-9000's suggestion.

= = = =

Actually I have just been looking for a Ni-MH 1.2v 150 mAh 2/3AAA rechargeable battery. (Small decorative indoor solar window lamp.) I can find the battery online but I want to purchase somewhere where I can easily return the battery for replacement or refund.
The Lidl batteries probably aren't that bad as at least they are low-self-discharge type. But note the package suggests only 200mA charging current, at least if you want to reach the claimed "up to 1000 charge cycles" listed on the package.

Even high quality Made-in-Japan Eneloops were found to drop to only 125 cycles life if you charged them at 4C, and that's with a fan to keep them from getting too hot.

It's probably best to not cheap out on a NiMH charger as even the good ones can sometimes miss the -dV for termination.
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@BFG-9000 What... what an embarrassment 🤔. I did the trick and it worked, thanks! I just need to lift them to air a bit from the back and they start charging. Works like a charm! Funny it is in life sometimes, you focus on solving a problem, sweat for it, and all i needed was to lift it up... I even did it in the start, but it did not work, i gave up too early. I charge all batteries at 500 only. Yes, I also read an article that the slower you charge the more life they have. But it's not a problem for me to lift them. Thanks for the help. 😀

Thanks for the information about cycles and the fans, i learned something new about batteries.

@Ralston18 I do not agree with you. Lidl battery products are completely fine. Actually, Many batteries are copies of known brands such as Energizer, Panasonic, they are just sold under different names to discount stores, to sell them cheaper.

Problem = Solved.
Glad it worked out.

As for the batteries - very true.

I just tend to be skeptical about such things.

Had too many of those known brand copies start to corrode, leak, etc..

And I found a small store that had the batteries I needed. Brand name = Ultralast.

Here's hoping.... :)