[SOLVED] New Mini ITX build $500


Nov 26, 2012
I'm thinking of building a a new build and want something that will run games, doesn't have to run BF3 on high or anything crazy but I do want it to be able to run some of the newer games and most games that are out there already. However I would like it to be in a small case because this will be in the bedroom and the misses doesn't want some ugly computer case in here. I will mostly be using it for gaming, torrents, and as a media center of sorts. My budget is around $500 and want to be able to upgrade the graphics in the future. I would prefer a mini ITX case but if this isn't really possible with that then I guess I could settle for a MicroATX case that's small and not full of lights and such.

If anyone can help me out and send me in the right direction I'd love it!

Hmm. As for the case, go with a Bitfenix Prodigy. It's slightly larger than a normal mini-ITX case, but that's a very good thing for you - you can get better components. It also looks good so your wife won't complain. 😉

For a motherboard, this is a good one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157312

After that, it's the usual fare - a Pentium G870 or ivy bridge i3 2220. Grab yourself a good video card (I'd go with a nvidia 650ti, for BF3, or a radeon 7770/7850), 4GB of 1600MHz ram with CAS 9, a small psu that's NOT modular, and a hard drive.
Ok, seems like I'd definitely use the Bitfenix. One question, would I need a monitor to set all this up or could I just use a tv(hdmi)? Also, would I have any problems with overheating if I left this on all the time? I wouldn't have it overclocked or anything. Sorry, the last time I built a computer was 10 years ago.
It doesn't have an optical drive, but it DOES have wifi:


That Pentium will perform just as well as an i3, since the only difference between the two is hyperthreading and a very minor clock speed boost.

If you don't want wifi, you can save money on the motherboard.

EDIT: the white version has decent cooling as well.
I probably won't be ordering these parts till 1st week of January if all goes well, I just wanted to make sure that this was a possible build before I started thinking about it. I really appreciate the quick and helpful replies and assume I will be asking this same question as long as I have the money after I pay rent for January. Haven't had a desktop since 2006 and have recently gotten back into gaming and really like the idea of PC gaming on my tv.

Thank you for all the help guys.
But they would still run most games right? I realize not on the highest settings but I'm not too big of a graphics snob. Also, I can always upgrade the graphics with those still if I have understood what I've read correctly, right?
Ok, one more question. Should I add a CPU Cooler and if so what size will fit in this case?

EDIT: My apt can get pretty hot, that's why I keep worrying about cooling issues, obviously I can't really afford liquid cooling or else I would.