Solyndra, revisited

So, Obama orders us to use mercury in our light bulbs, now hes heavily investing into toxic heavy metals, scattering them, like the mercury, all over the country.
Im sure glad these things are green, if they werent, just imagine how bad theyd be
Sheesh, a cow passes gas, a kid lights a match, wind farms, whats next?
I guess we need to cut back on welfare, we need more money to study this global warming, its everywhere, caused by anything.

Ive got an idea, everyone shouldnt exert themselves, and sit very very still

Oh, and turn down the heat
So, mixing air causes global warming?
Wheres the added energy?
Did anyone bother to place their thermometers at lower and higher altitudes around these farms?

I guess I always thought it was a contribution, or added energy that caused, or was caused by some catalyst.

So, the theory that theyve cut back on temp readings, and have them placed nearer heat island effect areas strikes again.
I agree with Marv there heads should roll. Its a waste of resources and who knows what would seep into the water table.


Dont be so quick to agree with every Fox news article. It looks like Mr. D'Aleo was cherry picking some information.

Are you guys familiar with the Boy Who Cried Wolf? If you keep on posting non-sense about every "Perceived" threat you read about in the mainstream media the real issues will slip through. Maybe that's the point of all this conservative smear. But seriously if you keep throwing *** it will stick, no doubt about that, but then you just have a pile of ***.
If it isnt brought out by the MSM, they usually only contribute those laffers from youtube, and ignore other news, except Fox .
And if that news is intended to bring about a certain effect, with a certain POV, say, take the election, as we see the president being cool, cracking jokes, showing how cool he is.
No criticism, no confrontation about things of need today etc etc, and then you take places like GBTV, where they purposely steer away from MSM talking points, tho it oo has an agenda, moreso than say Fox does.

So, where to find those gems that slip thru?
On the Huffington Post?
Someimtes, but rarely.
At least on the Post, never have found a thing on MSNBC

Point being, if you carry the company line, what do you learn?
If its accepted as gospel, you then dont get the deviations, the unexplained, and where and how scientists are often confounded.
So, the picture then is, its gospel

You dont hear about mercury in our lights, yet youve seen tons of stories about how bad mercury is, in our waters and elsewheres.

You dont hear about the heavy metals used in many things, like electric cars, which are mainly powered by coal.
Is this true reporting then?
Will anyone accept this?
I dont
A hypocrite I would say.

And look at some of the comments that seem to cherry pick their details.