Solyndra, Round 10

Solyndra, Round 10

Not Solyndra, but a lot of money to get somewhere Obama did not want us to go

Solyndra Round 9
Bright Automotive

Solyndra Round 8
Abound Solar cuts 280 jobs in Longmont

Solyndra Round 7
A123 Systems - Electric car batteries

Solndra Round 6 and recap of previous Solyndra style threads
Department of Energy Finalizes Partial Guarantee for $852 Million Loan to Support California Concentrating Solar Power Plant

Does anyone but us CCMoVRWC (Card Carrying Members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy) see a pattern here?
We should abandon alternative energy and just use coal and oil?

What sort of reprimands would you like? How can we stop you from titling threads with Solyndra Round X?

Whats the point in that, waiting to spend other peoples money?
How dare anyone question an ideal?
How dare anyone think that this isnt for a more noble cause?
Everything has to be done now, not later.
Remember, the earths burning up.....
Technically, building a road is using others money...however it is needed.
Why? Can I not question authority?
Governments are not about noble, my friend. If they were, we would not need them!
I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin for you...

Of course not. Strawman argument. I said no such thing.
But DoEng is not just subsidizing alternate energy research. They are doing a quid pro quo for connected Dem fundraisers. Follow the money.

Can't. I'll stop when I discover that I am repeating myself.

Until then, I can only conclude that DoEng is nearly as corrupt as our DoJ. I say that because as far as I know, nothing DoEng did killed anyone.

The problem is that all of this is being run out of the Executive Branch with little oversight from the people in the Legislative Branch that are supposed to be controlling the purse strings.