Some keys on keyboard stop working.


Jun 13, 2014
Sorry if this may be in the wrong section of the forums, but I need help.
I've noticed that when I play World of Warcraft that sometimes some of my keys on my keyboard stop working. But I know the keyboard isn't broken, because they always come back eventually. When I alt-tab out, they sometimes work again, and sometime they don't.

The keys that I am having problems with are: 4 5 R T F G V B
Every other key works fine.
Also, Sometimes restarting helps, and sometimes it doesn't.
Please help me.

I am unable to roll back also. Anything else I could do?

Why are you unable to get an older version of the driver? You can uninstall whatever driver you are using and let windows download a generic one. The manufacturers website should have a drivers section, if you cant find a back log try google idk but I am sure its out there somewhere...By the way what kind of keyboard is it.