Somewhat low fps during gaming


Apr 11, 2016
Hey guys, I'm not sure this is the right place to ask about gaming issues but I guess people who frequent the graphics card forum know about this most so here goes. I have the following spec:

cpu: 4790K
gpu: msi gtx 1080 gaming X
mobo: msi z97s krait edition
RAM: 16 gb corsair vengeance pro 1866 mHz (2X8)
psu: corsair AX860
HDD hard drive for all games and separate SSD hard drive for OS
monitor: Dell S2716dg 1440p

My problem is this: when I run Fallout 4 on my desktop with everything maxed out, I get fps drops to ~40-50 when I am in cities. Indoors I get ~100 fps and ~70 fps in the wild. I noticed that if I were to change HBAO to SSAO and decrease the AA sampling to 4X or 8X I get some improvement but still see <60 fps in cities at times. From your experience running Fallout 4 is this fps normal with my current setup? Do you think the issue is specifically related to Fallout 4 only or that I did not do a good job selecting parts?

Also, when I run Witcher 3 on everything max (including hairworks), I get ~70 fps constantly with very rare drops to 50 in town. But when I read benchmarks they have much higher fps (both Witcher 3 and Fallout 4) and this is concerning me. I would appreciate any help from you guys. Thanks!
Try changing the Vertical sync setting for Fallout 4 in the NVIDIA Control Panel to Fast to get rid of the high pitched whine..

Are you using any mods that required you to make changes to the Fallout4.ini file like adding the following:


This particular setting has a heavy impact on performance when traveling within cities.

If you did add that line then try removing it or setting it to a value of 1. Test to see if the performance is any better.

Thanks for the reply. I'm not using any mods at the moment and I checked the file to confirm that it does not have that command line. Regardless of the fps drops in cities, do you think that these general framerates are normal for both games on my current setup?

I guess according to this what I'm seeing is normal then. This kinda baffles me since I've been hearing that you should be able to run everything on max for a 1080 on 1440p at at least 60 fps. Another thing that I just tried: I turned off v-sync through the Nvidia control panel (since I have a g-sync monitor, v-sync is no longer required right? I am new to all this) I get some what of a boost in fps. However, during loading screens, Steam in-game fps indicator says I'm getting >400 fps sometimes even over 1000 and my desktop gives a faint but high-pitched buzzing sound. Do you know what the issue is here? I would really like to turn v-sync off for the performance boost without hurting my card.