I'd have an active Everquest 2 account right now if they hadn't mixed F2P players with subscription players. I was considering Vanguard - but they made that F2P too.
As far as F2P being "pay to win" I think most of them are a lot more "pay to win" than the people who play them acknowledge, but the biggest issue I have is with the player base. There are more than enough loser mentalities in MMOGs these days without having to deal with "players" who think the game is actually free to play. SOE offers these games with no subscription fee because they make MORE money off of F2P players than subscription players. Paying for access to content and gear costs the average F2P account holder more than $15/mo.
I don't have a problem with SOE offering F2P titles, or even making the games I like F2P and putting those players on their own server, as long as they don't pollute the subscription servers with F2P content. I won't play any MMOG that mixes the servers, or is F2P only. I'm not saying all the F2P games are bad, or are entirely bad, EQ2 was a very good game and likely still is. I'm just drawing the line at what I'm willing to put up with at "no F2P".
But the whole industry has little to no standards in player base these days, so I'm drawing the line at a very low standard anyway, and maybe that's pointless. The best way to play is to gather together a group of like-minded players and put everyone else on "ignore" so you don't have to hear stupid anal jokes, bigoted language, and ignorant comments about politics, religion, sex, and business.