[citation][nom]sna[/nom]you are dreaming ... for such ram disk you would need like 8G of Free Ram at least plus about 4G for use , I doubt we will see any console using much Ram...however if they put 2 SSD in Raid 0 , they can reach 1G/s read , and thats around 1/2 the dual channel ram speed...if you ask me I wish for somthing like ...1. 4 core cpu at 100$2. high end GPU at 300$ with dedicated 1G ddr53. mother board and memory at 100$ (good for about 8 G of ram + mobo)4. controllers for 50$5. 2 SSD in raid 0 at 100$ (2x 64G)around 650$ machinebut I doubt they would do that ... maybe the Xbox 720[/citation]
you are not taking into account they they were willing to lose 400-500$ a system on the ps3 when it came out, and if things didn't go the way of people being ok with digital download movies, it would have payed off for sony FAR bigger than it did.
a ram disc for the ps3 with 0 load time would take 24gb, sure there are some titles like metal gear solid 4 that use a whole 50gb disc without movies takeing it up, but all that could easily be loaded in and out of the disc.
24gb of ram right now costs about 130$
your 2 64gb drive in raid may work... but i dont think they would do that over 1 drive, less fail points.
either way both options could happen.
i like the 256gb ssd though, get all the game stuff installed on it from disc, and the only reason the disc is even in the drive anymore is for sound, video, and drm.
i mean i play grand turismo and forza 4, and if those were the only 2 games i play, i would totally be willing to shell out for an ssd for those games alone... good god every 5 minutes right now its another load time... granted forza 4s load time isnt bad, but GT... jesus, 30+ seconds for some of them, even when i have the game installed.
also with the ssd. how much do you think they are over priced? i cant find any data on the chips themselves, so i cant come up with numbers, but unless they are selling them to us at cost, those 2 64gb ssds may cost ALLOT less than you are thinking. that 100$ you ahve set aside, could put a 3rd or a 4th depending on how much they raise the price... because sony wont sell the system for a profit, they will do it at cost, or below cost.