Playstation and Xbox consoles have been & are a failed attempt by large corporations to monopolize the gaming industry. Xbox lost Microsoft $4 billion over 4 years, much of that $4 billion was spent on title exclusivity: paying developers of PC games NOT to release those games for other consoles or PC. For the cost of a ps4/ Xbox One & a few games one can build a PC much more powerful both in terms of graphics acceleration & raw CPU power. (aka: runs higher polygon count models with better textures & effects at higher framerates) PC's can be upgraded over time to match the needs of new games which allows game devs to take advantage of new tech as it's released into the market while maintaining scalability of settings for older PCs. Meanwhile console software & tech are frozen in time for 5 more years.
If something goes wrong in a PC we can RMA JUST THAT PART & replace it easily, rather than ship back the entire system. Consoles are now & always will be for the sadly misinformed marketing-dominated people who cannot fathom that games are nearly 8 years behind what they could & SHOULD be as a result of the console manufacturers play for market dominance. This limits games both graphically & control-wise due to console's simplistic, slower & less precise controllers (meanwhile PC can use any peripheral controller in existence including console controllers) The PC hardware market has lots of competition driving both technology forward & prices downward. PC games are hugely cheaper because they are distributable digitally by companies like Steam, GoG, Origin and Amazon DD.
I love games but I hate consoles both from a player AND a developer standpoint. If they were upgradable, compatible with any & all peripheral controllers/hardware, didn't limit the progress & quality of games & actually belonged to us once we buy them (so that we may install any software/operating system we want & use them as we wish) then consoles would be awesome! or wait... no, they'd be Personal Computers for gaming. High fives & respect to anyone who smashes a PS or Xbox & comes over to the free future of quality gaming: Personal Computers