Sony Vaio laptops will not receive Windows 10 driver updates until at least October.
Sony Vaio Windows 10 Drivers Won't Arrive Until October : Read more
Sony Vaio Windows 10 Drivers Won't Arrive Until October : Read more
First of all, Sony does not have a computer division anymore, they spun that off over a year and a half ago to it's own branded company, called Vaio. Second, I highly doubt it is up to Sony to continue to provide support like this, normally that is up to the company that takes the business. This article is misleading and puts responsibility on Sony where it most likely doesn't belong.
True. The graphics drivers are the biggest sticking point and you can find drivers for Intel's IG's (at least the 4000 to 6000 series) at their website if you look.Except Vaios are not snowflakes and you can find the same devices with Windows 10 drivers available, if you do your homework, in other manufacturer's products.
True. The graphics drivers are the biggest sticking point and you can find drivers for Intel's IG's (at least the 4000 to 6000 series) at their website if you look.Except Vaios are not snowflakes and you can find the same devices with Windows 10 drivers available, if you do your homework, in other manufacturer's products.
There are no stability issues. The reason OEM hardware is prevented from installing drivers directly from Intel, Nvidia and such is simply because of support licenses. If you're an OEM you take on the responsibility to support the software and thus has to do the testing and distribution yourself. Hardware manufacturers are generally way too lazy keeping these things up to date, they often only have a handful of people handling the software testing for ALL of their sold hardware, which means they simply just stop releasing updated drivers.Just install the OEM driver and install the baseline Windows 10 driver. It's not rocket science, I had to do it on my parent's Toshiba computer and it worked absolutely fine. Only problem is that the Intel Driver Utility won't scan for the latest driver and I have to do a manual update.