kansasboy001 :
Don't get any of the Z series, the sound core 3d is just a glorified codec, not a true audio processor, if you want good real audio, get an X-fi Titanium, or X-fi Titanium HD if you need more power.
From what I have read, SoundCore 3D is actually the same processor as the X-Fi.
The difference is that they have actually integrated audio codecs into the core instead of having to have a separate chip
So what you have said is pretty much just bunk.
The X-Fis are great cards and not to be overlooked but the Z series also provides great audio and supports all the same features the X-Fis did, which would mean it could not be just a codec or it would lack the higher SnR rating, no 24Bit 192Khz sampling or some of the other features.
RealitySpeaks :
I've heard that the drivers for the older Creative sound cards are really... stressful to say the least.
I can't speak for all of the X-Fis but my older X-Fi Xtreme Gamer Fatality Pro had issues with 8 and 8.1. XP, Vista and 7 were fine for the most part but in 8 I would have to change modes every boot up. Its a known issue with some of the X-Fis and they haven't fixed it. The last driver update was in January which was just the older 7 driver certified for 8.