SpeedStep vs Turbo Mode vs C-STATE vs C1E


I am seeking an answer with no Overclocking in mind.

Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology http://www.intel.com/cd/channel/reseller/asmo-na/eng/203838.htm/

Intel® Turbo Boost Technology http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/architecture-and-technology/turbo-boost/turbo-boost-technology.html

C-state architecture http://www.intel.com/technology/itj/2006/volume10issue02/art03_power_and_thermal_management/p03_power_management.htm

How SpeedStep and Turbo Mode works in relation to C1E and C-STATE? What should be enabled and what should not, and why?


Thank you for the article! It explains the relations between SpeedStep and C1E, but it doesn´t say a lot about C-STATE.
Thank you for the link!

A friend of mine said that when Turbo Boost mode is on, and C-state is enabled, then just one core goes over speed. On the other hand, if C-state is disabled, then all cores go over speed -- is that correct? Anyone?

I have no temperatures issues. It is just an info I´d like to know.

From what I got just the actived cores (C0 and C1) go over speed while C-State is ON.

I still want to confirm that if C-State is OFF then all cores go over speed.
Posting pdfs may confuse people. So I will just answer this in simple terms.

Enable them all. C-states and speedstep has no affect on turbo.

You seem to be confused what c-states are. C0 and C1 are not core numbers they are states, hence the name c-states. C-states are different states the cpu goes in (is it at on, off, sleeping, etc). So you can't just say c-states on or off, you need to say which ones you disabled.

I am not confusing anything here.

My browser (Firefox) opens any pdf.file without a problem. It was just one link it didn´t work.

When any core is in C0 or C1 state they are considered by the system as Active Cores. Sorry but C-State has indeed effect on turbo. See below from the link above.

Intel® Turbo Boost technology provides the Core i7 the capability of maximizing core frequency while ensuring that the processor does not go above the upper-limits of
temperature, power, and current. When lower power-consuming applications execute on a subset of active cores (cores in core C0 or core C1) with inactive cores (cores in core C3 or core C6) present in the package, the applications may take advantage of the additional power headroom provided by the inactive cores in the form of increased core frequency (http://impact.asu.edu/cse591sp11/Nahelempm.pdf).

I see you,ve found your answer?