SpellBinder/Landwalk deck



Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.magic.strategy (More info?)

I'm trying a new variation on my old landwalk deck. The target format
is type 1, type 1.5 or just casual.

4x Shanondin Dryads
4 Rushwood Dryads

4x Searing Wind
4X savage beating (possible win condition on the spellbinder)
4x mountain goat
4x mountain yeti
4x canyon wildcat
4x goblins of the flarg

4 Loxodon Warhammer
1 Sol Ring
4 Mystic Compass (goes with landwalk)
4x spellbinder

some forests
some mountains

The goal is to deal some initial damage with unblockable landwalkers,
possibly with the help of the compass. Then, once I get the
spellbinder equipped and imprinted, I can win with savage beating or
deal serious damage with searing wind.

I'm considering going red black instead. Black has some decent
swampwalkers, but nothing that really goes with the spellbinder.

are there any other good cards or themes that go with spellbinders?


Apr 20, 2004
Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.magic.strategy (More info?)

<Interesting landwalking deck snipped>

> The goal is to deal some initial damage with unblockable landwalkers,
> possibly with the help of the compass. Then, once I get the
> spellbinder equipped and imprinted, I can win with savage beating or
> deal serious damage with searing wind.
> I'm considering going red black instead. Black has some decent
> swampwalkers, but nothing that really goes with the spellbinder.

You know, what you really want to imprint on the Spellbinder may only
be a splash card, one that you don't necessarily want to cast but can
if you have to.

> are there any other good cards or themes that go with spellbinders?

Hmm ... depends on what colours you want to use.

To trigger:
Blue has unblockable creatures and flyers to help trigger the 'binder.
Black can rely on Fear, Swampwalk and removal
Red's got Mountainwalk and burning blockers away
Green can just use larger creatures and trample over them. And Forestwalk
White has efficient flyers and protection from colours and artifacts.
Artifacts have something I'm sure, check the Mirrodin Block for something.

Good cards:
I reckon it depends on what you want to do really ...
Savage Beating will theoretically kill them with repeated attack phases.
Grab the Reins could be fun. If they have a creature, steal it and if you have
the mana, pay the Entwine and sacrifice it on them. Damn them both ways!
Splicing could be a useful tool. A spellbound arcane spell could have something
useful spliced onto it for extra punch.
Burn spells are never bad, but awfully dull.
Ditto with bouncing spells.
See above for kill spells
Beast Attack. Add insult to injury. Attack, deal damage and get a 4/4 Beast!
Heh heh ... how about Decree of Savagry for really slapping it on them
Eladamri's call can thin out your deck with ever successful damage-dealing.
And if you're playing a casual game, show up with an entire box full of random
instants and use Cunning Wish!
And if all else fails, if it says "Draw a card" at the end of it all, it can
be used ^_^;

Hmm ... oh the possibilities!

Sorry, it's 1AM and I'm too tired to really go past the G's. Try looking up
Instants on Gatherer on Wizard's site for some less than conventional ideas.


Random Tagline:
Intant answers ... just add mana.


Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.magic.strategy (More info?)

4 Spellbinder
4 Savage Beating
2 Searing Wind
1 Sword of Fire/Ice
1 Grafted Wargear
3 Steelshaper's Gift
4 Lantern Kami
4 Suntail Hawk
4 Leonin Skyhunter
3 Auriok Champion
3 Leonin Abunas
3 Worship
4 Chrome Mox
20 Plains

A hand w/ Gift and Skyhunter can have a 5/4 flyer attacking on turn 3 as
an alternate win condition.

I've also decided to make the deck a standard turn 3 kill deck. Will it
be good? I doubt it as long as mountains aren't banned. ; )