spooler subsystem app



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.print_fax (More info?)

I accessed my company's server remoptely and attempted to print while logged
on. I received an error telling me that the printer was unavailable. This is
OK since I am working 450 miles from the server and don't need the printout

When I logged off the server and resumed working on my computer and tried to
print to my trusty printer, I got a message that print spooler service is not
running. I researched and found out that I can manually turn on this service
by typing net start spooler. This seemed to work for about 5 seconfds when a
new message came up stating "spooler subsystem app has encountered a problem
and needs to close...".

Is anyone familiar with this problem and how to resolve it? I tried a system
restore but it did not work.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.print_fax (More info?)

Cari (MS-MVP Windows Client - Printing, Imaging & Hardware)

"zvinki" <zvinki@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
>I accessed my company's server remoptely and attempted to print while
> on. I received an error telling me that the printer was unavailable. This
> is
> OK since I am working 450 miles from the server and don't need the
> printout
> locally.
> When I logged off the server and resumed working on my computer and tried
> to
> print to my trusty printer, I got a message that print spooler service is
> not
> running. I researched and found out that I can manually turn on this
> service
> by typing net start spooler. This seemed to work for about 5 seconfds when
> a
> new message came up stating "spooler subsystem app has encountered a
> problem
> and needs to close...".
> Is anyone familiar with this problem and how to resolve it? I tried a
> system
> restore but it did not work.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.print_fax (More info?)

Hi: I've suffered from these spooler problems.I solved my problems eventually
by physically discoonecting my printer completely,followed by de-programming
all my printer software.in safe mode.Re-booted,re-connected and Bingo.

"Cari (MS-MVP)" wrote:

> See:
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;324757
> --
> Cari (MS-MVP Windows Client - Printing, Imaging & Hardware)
> www.coribright.com
> "zvinki" <zvinki@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> news:F60BCD29-3122-47FF-9999-3E8524CC8FD8@microsoft.com...
> >I accessed my company's server remoptely and attempted to print while
> >logged
> > on. I received an error telling me that the printer was unavailable. This
> > is
> > OK since I am working 450 miles from the server and don't need the
> > printout
> > locally.
> >
> > When I logged off the server and resumed working on my computer and tried
> > to
> > print to my trusty printer, I got a message that print spooler service is
> > not
> > running. I researched and found out that I can manually turn on this
> > service
> > by typing net start spooler. This seemed to work for about 5 seconfds when
> > a
> > new message came up stating "spooler subsystem app has encountered a
> > problem
> > and needs to close...".
> >
> > Is anyone familiar with this problem and how to resolve it? I tried a
> > system
> > restore but it did not work.
> >