SSD not compatible with my computer?


Feb 9, 2015
So I loaded my OS onto an SSD, worked great. Booted fast, and didn't have a problem. Then, I had a problem freezing. It needed to be restarted constantly, so I returned it. I did this 3 times, before also buying a new motherboard. Still having problems. However, my HDD boots fine every time, and although it's slow, hasn't had a single problem. Any ideas?
What's the motherboard model? Could be the motherboard connector, drive connector..... I dunno about it being incompatible if it actually recognizes it


Sorry didn't notice when you stated you purchased a new motherboard. Perhaps its the cable connectors themselves?

Originally it was the OCZ Radeon 480gb, but I went to a PNY 120gb. It works completely fine in not only 1 computer, but 2 others.

Yes, I did. It was the only thing connected except mouse/keyboard. It boots REALLY well on 2 different computers, just not this one. I ran a psu test, it passed. The ram is fine also, and I don't think 2 mobos would go bad.

It can't be the SSD, I'm using it on another computer literally right now.

Reinstalled windows 3 times on the original, and then reinstalled it for each new computer


AMD fx 6350
corsair 750w psu
gtx 760 4gb gpu
msi 970 gaming/ asus ma597 ler2 mobo
pny ssd/ ocz radeon ssd
16gb corsair ram
corsair 600t case