SSD or SSHD for video rendering


Sep 14, 2014
I was thinking of buying a ssd or sshd for video rendering, which would be better and worth it? because sshd is cheaper so i could probably store my games on it aswell. my budget is 60$

I think you would go into

Options>Preferences>General Tab
Temporary files folder

Project>Properties>Folders Tab
Recorded files folder
Pre Rendered files folder

This is just from memory as after...

by scratch do you mean extra? if so then yeah and just to use it to render videos off sony vegas. I already got a 1.5 terabyte hdd.

Scratch basically means that you are using the drive for only temporary storage for write intensive tasks when your RAM runs out of space. It also lessens the load placed on your internal drive, splitting reads and writes between both places, as opposed to one. You'll render faster and export quicker.

It can do that?

Yep. It can do that. I have an SSD for project files and a raid 0 array of two wd 1tb hard drives for scratch. The renders are exceedingly fast. You can buy a cheap SSD that will be faster than any hard drive and you can always upgrade later if you want to go down that road.

So do you think it would be better ? cuz with 60$ i can only buy a 120gb ssd or a 500gb sshd
I would go with the SSD and make sure that you set it up as just a scratch disk in vegas. This is just because with an SSHD you will still be limited to the speed of the mechanical HDD as you aren't repeatedly accessing the same thing which is what the SSD part of the SSHD is designed for (the SSHD saves frequently accessed files to the SSD and everything else is left on the HDD, meaning marginal speed improvements)

How would I set that up. Would I put sony vegas on the ssd and output the rendered videos onto the hard drive?

I think you would go into

Options>Preferences>General Tab
Temporary files folder

Project>Properties>Folders Tab
Recorded files folder
Pre Rendered files folder

This is just from memory as after using vegas for 8 months I switched to Premiere Pro :sarcastic:

Another thing you may want to consider is the location of the files you are editing, maybe have a folder on the SSD for scratch and one on the HDD for the project files that you are editing, and then a final folder on the SSD for rendered outputs?