Question SSD PCIe M.2 is overheating or normal temperature?


Dec 2, 2011
Hi , I bought a Samsung 970 Evo Plus 500Gb like 2 weeks ago and i don't know if there are is a normal temperatures but sometimes hits 62 °C when i am playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 and Conan Exiles , is less when i play other games , i know the operating temperature of this ssd is 0 - 70 ℃ still i am a bit worried it could burn or is not going to happen? . Thanks in advance
Hi , I bought a Samsung 970 Evo Plus 500Gb like 2 weeks ago and i don't know if there are is a normal temperatures but sometimes hits 62 °C when i am playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 and Conan Exiles , is less when i play other games , i know the operating temperature of this ssd is 0 - 70 ℃ still i am a bit worried it could burn or is not going to happen? . Thanks in advance

some user says the cause is motherboard/case temperature, but for me its because its NVME the more speed you get the more heat they produce.

, try to campare USB 2.0 FLashdrive vs USB 3.0 Flashdrive
i bet 100$ the USB 3.0 flash drive will be hotter.

in flash memory MORE SPEED = MORE TEMP
now some SSD have no DRAM wichi mean MORE WRITE = ANOTHER MORE TEMP