SSD purchase: Intel 330 or M4 - basic use Linux OS


May 6, 2012
I have Debian Gnu/Linux as My current Desktop Operating System for many years now. this will be My first SSD experience.

I am confused to choose between sf-2281(Sandforce) Intel 330 series 120GB SSD drive and Crucial M4 drive.

I hope performance can be restored to pristine condition(~100%) by TRIM,Garbage collection in Sandforce based SSDs? I read a claim in a review and shown this(below pic) as how TRIM fails to improve performance.


* I use a Debian repository which have daily updates like 30-50MB or sometimes more. even if I delay the updates for a week, it will add to some amount. These packages are downloaded,extracted and installed. Will it wear the system more than Windows 7/8? Is it better, if I choose a Linux distro with lesser updates?

* I've read about SSD alignment is needed. How to achieve this? I plan to keep "/"(root),"/boot" partitions in SSD and "/home"(Home directory) in Sata HDD. is this the correct strategy?

* I've read that wear levelling with TRIM enabling in Operating Systems. Since I may be using ext4 file system, will adding some paramaters to /etc/fstab enough(like "discard" option). I read that a cron job running weekly for garbage collection is better recommended(elsewhere).

* For Gnu/Linux- Which one is more recommended SSD's based on controller chipset: Sandforce or Marvell? Note that Currently, I chose "Crucial M4 64GB" drive for reliability. I need the most reliable, yet vfm( 😗 ) drive since RMA/Warranty is a issue sitting in India.

* I am using a primitive Zebronics 450W PSU for many years now. Will I need to replace it? Mind this is a C2D E4600 system with 2 GB ram.

* I am buying from USA to India, since Crucial or most of the SSD brands are damn expensive here. So, If I buy from USA, is there any brands like Intel which will honour warranty on SSDs Internationally(means in India)?
I think that you have gotten some bad advice. Unless I am wrong, and I am frequently wrong,
- You have to be careful to get a distro that will support the TRIM command. If I read correctly, here's an old post on how to do a practical test:
- Go ahead and do updates to the drive. You bought it to work for you. Make it work.
- Alignment is either supported by the distro's installation process or is not there.
- You don't run garbage collection on the drive, it runs it itself when it has idle time, or when it runs out of writeable space.
- An SSD will only add a few watts to your draw, so power should not be an issue.
- I don't know about international warranties.

Unfortunately, this is a forum mostly for Windows users. Your questions are specific to Debian. Any Debian users with SSDs out there?
Thanks for the reply WyomingKnott. Regarding TRIM support, I learnt that latest Kernel supports TRIM irrespective of distro. but, some distros *may* be fine tuned for SSD use..ubuntu?

It may not help much, but I'd say save the headache and go with something like this. I have and have no regrets.

I run MX-14 and Salix XFCE 14.1 with no problems on two separate Samsung SSDs

If worried about warranties, purchase a short-term extended one from vendor.

But, it appears I am necromancing with this thread -- oh well!

Best wishes!