Question SSD read speed for games?


Jan 26, 2015
I just brought a Samsung 869 EVO to run some games off. The particularly game I'm playing only reaches a peak of around 250 MB/s read speed while the drive is capable of 570 MB/s. Wouldn't my game be loading faster if it was utilizing the maximum read speed of the SSD?
I just brought a Samsung 869 EVO to run some games off. The particularly game I'm playing only reaches a peak of around 250 MB/s read speed while the drive is capable of 570 MB/s. Wouldn't my game be loading faster if it was utilizing the maximum read speed of the SSD?
I don’t know if my opinion is corect, because I am an unexperienced builder, but my logic answer to your question is NO, because the speed of the storage is a maximum speed wich possibe to be achived, or if the peak of your particular game is slower than maximum speed of the SSD, the game will be not loaded faster. Remember, this is only a logic answer, I don’t know if it is corect too. Good luck.
Real life figures are seldom if ever same as maximum manufacturers' estimates, many processes like antivirus can interfere and slow it down. Those speeds are also for continuous 1GB file transfers and programs/games are mostly of smaller sizes but several/many at same time.
Figures you see in benches for 4KB (Q8T8) are closer to reality.